Burn (Reprise)/ First Burn, Second Burn

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Nikel's POV. Singing is in bold. 

I guess this was it. My trust in Racetrack completely gone. I was so foolish to trust him again. This was not the first but second burn! Sadness, hatred, and anger filled up in me. There was no use. I had been fooled too easily. Right now I was in the second main room at the Hatten lodging house. It was only me and the letters I preserved from last time. They were crying at me to not do it. There was no use. "I saved every letter you wrote me," I sang. Repeating the lines I had sung before. "From the moment I read them,". Although I was only on the second line tears were trickling down my cheeks. I threw a letter into the blazing fire. It was screaming out for help. Like me. "I knew you were mine. You said you were mine. I thought you were mine," I sang sadness creeping inside my veins. He had told me on multiple occasions that he was mine. Of course, he had to ruin it all! "Do you know what Spot said when he heard what you'd done?" Spot was the most reassuring out of the boys. He was like another brother to me. "He said you were dating an Icarus he has flown too close to the sun,". I repeated my lines from last time again. By now all but one of the letters was burnt or burning. Then I noticed the presence of another person in the room. It was Race. He took one look at my broken person. The tears rolling down my cheeks were like soldiers falling in battle. He stepped towards me "Nikel, please-". I cut him off. "Don't. Take another step in my direction I can't be trusted around you," I started to walk towards him. Despite his attempts to break free from the words I sang, he was glued to the floor. "Don't think you can talk your way into my arms into my arms,". If he thought this he was delusional. I wasn't like the others. I was different. I took one look at the final letter from him then I looked back at Racetrack. "I'm burning the letters you wrote me," I sang. I gestured to the pile of ashes remaining untouched in the flames. Then I threw the last one into the flames. "You can stand over there if you want. I don't know who you are. I have so much to learn. I'm re-reading your letters and watching them burn,". The sarcastic queen of me was returning. I was proud of myself. Racetrack may have told all of New York how he cheated on me with Sienna. But I will never let that get to me! "I'm watching them burn,". Then I grabbed my iPad. The one he 'accidentally' smashed. I went to the article about Racetrack and Sienna. It had the letters she wrote to him and how they dreamed of becoming a family together. "You published the letters she wrote you. You told the whole world. How you dreamed of another girl and a better life,". I put my iPad down. We had acquired a crowd. By a crowd, I mean all of the Hatten newsies, Spot and Pages. "Heaven forbid someone whisper 'He's part of some scheme'. Your enemy whispers so you have to scream. I know about whispers." I sung the power getting stronger. I used my magic to form his enemies the Delancy Brothers. Whispers were heard around me. I got real close to him and told the entire room "I see how you look at my half-sister,". Ooo's were heard around me. Racetrack turned a deep shade of red. He went to take another step towards me but I stopped him again. "Don't. I'm not naive. I have seen girls around you. Don't think I don't see how they fall for your charms. All of your charms,". He could never take his time! He couldn't just wait for me! "I'm erasing myself from the narrative. Let future historians wonder how Nikel reacted when you broke her heart. You have thrown it all away. Stand back watch it burn. Just watch it all burn," tears were falling harder on my cheeks with more and more aggression. I could see the look of realization on his face. He finally realized that I HAD loved him. That I HAD cared. Why couldn't he see that? "And when the time comes. Explain to the younger ones," I sang. I looked at Les who looked back at me sympathetically. "The pain and hurt. You put me through,". He never cared about how I felt, did he? "If you thought you were mine," I sang glaring at him. Then, I walked up to him. "Don't,". I pushed him over and Spot, Pages, and I all left. While Racetrack was left lonely in the main room. The screams of the traumatized letters that had been burnt filling his head. One stuck out to him though. There was the sound of me singing Burn and First Burn overlapping each other. I couldn't care less. He was an idiot. If there was one pharse to describe our relationship it would be.... There was no use. 

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