Sing-Off Part 2

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Nikel's POV. 

After a little bit of celebrating, we headed back to the main room. It was time for groups. Medda came out and said that we were doing something so we couldn't come out. Then I made the lights flicker. It was easy because I had learned how to do it. Bully set the fog off and turned the light system which I had set up. The lights were supposed to do what the lights did in the musical. Pretty cool ain't it. We finished the song and one bit was buzzing in my head. Spot did a front ariel and landed in the splits! When he did it I was trying not to laugh. Spot, Pages, and I went off stage to get ready for the trio. We were doing a good old fashioned Hamilton one. I was in the middle of curling my hair up to make it look floofy. Then I heard it. The Hatten newsies singing something. We were all gobsmacked. They were singing our theme song. They were singing Brooklyn's Here! 

Spot looked fuming but I told him 'focus on this and not them okay?' 'Okay'. (For sure for sure. I'll go now.) This trio was gonna be amazeballs. Once my hair was floofified (That's a word right?) I got into my magical, majestic, magenta coat. Bully came off when it was time for the trios and told me this "Hatten won this round declares the winners. Go and knock it out of the park,". When we peaked out from behind the curtain hoping not to be seen. (We were gonna make an epic entrance.) Race, Jack, and Davey were singing Cabinet Battle 2. Race stayed still until I came on.  All the boys were stifling laughs not knowing who I was. Race and I had the conversation and then Crutchie shouted "Hamilton!". I gasped and said one of my most favorite lines ever "Daddy's calling,". Then Jack realized what we were singing when Spot came out dressed as Burr his mouth was agape. We started singing Washington on your side. When Pages came out as Madison it was amazing but now was my time to shine. I put the microphone in one hand and started singing "If Washington isn't gon listen to disciplined dissents this is the difference. This kid is out!". When I sang this I did a little head bobble and moved my arm around my head while bouncing. Then we did the iconic line. "Southern Mother..... Democratic-Republicans!". As soon as we sang the oh afterward I went down into the splits while the boys did ariels. We finished it off with a bang and everyone started clapping. Medda was speechless but then said something. 

"I can't choose so it's a tie you will have to do a group dance to determine the winner,". We were all bumed out because we didn't have one but then I remembered something. I pulled them into a huddle and we all agreed. The Hatten newsies stepped forward and started doing Seize the Day. Bully and Emily, a little girl we had with us, went to change. When they finished we set up the table and started dancing. This was one of our fav dances to do. It was the Reynolds Pamphlet. When Emile and Bully were singing I ran off and got a bunch of paper. This was my time to shine. I came out and started spreading the pile of papers while singing "Never gonna be president now,". 

After that Medda came out and declared the winners  "The winners are the," she paused for suspense. "The Brooklyn newsies,". We won!! We all started celebrating and I knew there would be a party. Looks like I'll have to be D.J Vintage again for tonight. We packed up and went back to Brooklyn. I had rejoined them now and life was pretty sweet. 

A/N The next few chapters are gonna be an emotional rollercoaster so be warned. 

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