Friends on the other side

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Nikel's POV. The shadow people are in italics and Nikel singing is in bold. The shadows with Nikel are in italics and bold. The counterparts are underlined. 

"You're in my world now not your world and I've got friends on the other side," I sang. My shadow friends came out and sung 'I've got friends on the other side,'. My good friend Izzy, the shadow princes, sang, 'I find delight in the gruesome and grim,'. Sit down at my table," I sang as they all sat at my table. "Put your mind at ease if you relax it will enable me to do anything I please,". "I can read your future,"  I sung showing them my cards 'Be prepared,' the shadow hunter's son -Bodi- sung. "I can change it round some too. I'll look deep into your heart and soul,". 'Poor unfortunate soul,' The rich girl, Indunia, sung over me. "Make your wildest dreams come true. I got voodoo, I got hoodoo, I got things I ain't even tried but I got friends on the other side." The goth (Bea) sung, 'And if you aren't shaken there's something very wrong, cause this may be the last time you hear the boogie song,'. Then Bea's twin brother sang 'Woah woah woah I'm the oogie boggie man,' Me and the other shadows sang "Beware take care he rides alone,". 'This vampire bat, this inhuman beast he ought to be locked up and never released,' sang the oldest of the shadows,Sammie, gesturing to a cage made by the shadows. 'He swears to the longest day he's dead he'll show them that he can get ahead,' the other twins,Dick and Doug, sung. 'The world was such a wholesome place until he had a plan to shake things up and that's the gospel truth,' the muses,Calliope, Melpomene, Terpsichore, Thalia, and Clio, sing. "Are you ready?" I sing ready to show all of them their corrispondents. 'Are you ready?' the shadows sing. "Are you ready?" 'Are you ready?' I sing with the shadows echoing me. "Transformation central," I sing. 'Transformation central,' the shadows echo. "Reformation central," 'Reformation central,' I sing with the shadows following my lead. "Transformation central," I sing without the shadows echoing me. "Can you feel it?". I lift myself into the air with my magic. "You're changing you're changing you're changing alright,". I bring Crutchie up to me and sing, "Far from the ones who abandoned you. Chasing the love of these humans who made you feel wanted,". I show them their corrispodents. Jack's is insane. Race's shows no emotion, Kathrine's feels no emotion but happiness and Les' is a magestic evil king. I sang to them, "I hope you're satisfied but if you ain't don't blame me," 'Don't forget it,' Bea and Dexter sang. "Don't forget it,"  Bodi and Indunia sang. "Don't forget it you'll regret it," we all sung together. Then Kathrine's correspondent sung "This land we behold,". Les' corrispondent sung swooping his magestic cape, "This beauty untold,". Jack's correspondent then sung "A man can be bold,". 'It all can be sold' the correspondents all sang. "As a specimen yes I'm intimidating" Race's correspondent sings. Then it was my time to finally shine, "And you can blame my friends on the other side," I hold the note for a long time. Izzy, the muses, and the rest of the shadows sing "You got what you wanted but you lost what you had,". "Shh," I sing as the shadows fade away and the lights come on. "So does anyone want to change now?" I ask. Three of them shake their heads.  Les quickly nods. I give him some potion and tell him to drink it when he's ready. "Thanks for this Nikel," Crutchie says to her. "Hey Crutchie can i meet the rest of the newsies or not?" I ask. "Of course how bout tomorrow?" Crutchie replies "Perfect," I say "See you guys tomorrow,".

Jack's Pov.

That is an

Kathrine's POV.

Experience I will

Les' Pov.

Never ever

Race's Pov.

Forget about.

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