The Begining of the Battle of Manhatten

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Spot Conlon's POV. Ha! You weren't expecting that were you 
A/N There will be fighting in this and nerf guns and explosions and basically war. 

We got to the Hatten newsie square. It was completely empty only the newsies were there. Jack stepped forward. He walked up to me, "I don't know what you've done with Crutchie and Les but I want them back now!" he demanded. "I don't have the two," I said in a monotone voice. Then I watched Davey step forward. "I want my little brother back!" he shouted. Jeez, he looked like he hadn't slept. "I said I don't have them," I replied cooly. Then a gunshot could be heard. No one was on the floor thank god for that. I saw Romeo standing with a giant nerf gun and he had fired it. "Attack!"I screeched.  Then everyone started shooting at each other. Then I heard someone shout "For Nikel!". It was Pages. Two nerf guns in each hand charging at Race. Then the two started to battle. Jack and I were in the middle of a battle. Then I realized we were outnumbered and had no chance of winning this. Simon was setting off explosions all over the place. Jaq was shooting tranquilizer darts everywhere. What a bunch of nitwits. But then again they were my nitwits. After an hour of fighting, we take a break for lunch. We discuss battle strategy and plan on what to do next. But then the half an hour break for lunch is over and we start fighting again. I realize that we never had a chance of winning. Not without Nikel. I would lose everything. " We need reinforcements!" I shout at the Brooklyn newsies. Then I hear an all to a familiar voice. "Sorry we're late but did somebody say reinforcements?". We were saved. 

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