Meeting Nikel

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Jack's Pov. 

I am nervous because today is the day we change. Crutchie said that the girl who will be doing it is nice. Her name is Nikel. She apparently has two brothers. Davey was pacing around still not happy about Les' decision. Then Race comes in and says "Crutchie said that if we wanna get there on time we have to leave now,". "Okay," I say "Dave don't worry about your brother will be in safe hands," I say. "Okay I trust you but if my brother comes back hurt I will kill you, Jackie," Davey says in a stern voice. I gulp Davey can be very scary at times. Then Race starts dragging me out of the lodging house. When we get into the jeep (This is modern and the newsies have a shared jeep) we go pick up Kathrine and start our journey. 

=Time Skip by Tommy Bracco's musules= 

We get to a sketchy house after a few hours of driving. "Hey, Crutch are you sure this is the right house ?" Race askes. "Of course before I became a newsie, I lived here, "Crutchie explains. "Well how are we gonna get in Crutchie?" askes Katherine. "Well," Crutchie says while pulling out a key "I still have my pair of keys," Crutchie says. Then Crutchie unlocks the door and we all enter. We go to a room. Crutchie says is the main room. Then we here singing "We fought with him," a voice sing clearly singing Hamilton. "Me I died for him," the voice says again. Crutchie opens the door silently and we see a girl I assume was Nikel. She rushes to the other side of the room "Me I trusted him,". She rushes again to the other side of the room and sings "Me I loved him,". She then does something unexpected. She pulls out a nerf gun and sings "And me I'm the damn fool that shot him,". "There's a million things I haven't done but just you wait" she sings. "What's your name man?" She sings but then before finishing Crutchie sings "Charlie Albert Morris,". The girl turns around and sees Crutchie. "Charlie," she manages out before giving Crutchie a hug. Crutchie introduces us to her and her and Race create a bond. I think Race has a little crush on her."So why are they here?" Nikel questions. "They want to change like I did," Crutchie says. "Oh ok well I need to know how old this one is?" she askes gesturing to Les. "Oh, he's ten," I answer. "Well I would normally say no but I'll do it," Nikel says smiling at Les. "How much is the price?" Crutchie askes curious. "Oh Crutchie I would never make you and your friends pay," she answers shocked Crutchie asked that. "Well then let's do this voodoo," Nikel says in a monotone tone a smirk forming on her face. I have a bad feeling about this but I have made this decision. As soon as she said that the room grew dark and the only lights were a dim light and green light. She pulls out some voodoo stuff "Let the show begin," she says. 

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