Yn, Where are You?

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Roc's POV
Shit!! I really fucked up! I should've just told the truth, but I fucking panicked!! I didn't think Ray was going to walk in the way he did! Fuck man!!

Ray: I'm sorry man! I don't know why she did that! But its over

Me: man you shouldn't end it over something so small! It was just a kiss, I'm not going to hold nothing against her

Ray: nah! It's the fact that she tried to lie about it

Walter:*walks past* show time in 5 guys!

Me&Ray: ok!

Me and Ray walked near the stage to see Prod, Prince, Walter, & keshia, but no Yn.

Walter: where's Yn?

Prince: why don't u ask Ray & Roc! Since they were the last to see her!

Keshia: what did you guys do?

Ray: we ain't do nothing! She cheated on me and got caught and tried to blame Roc like it was his fault!

Prod:*shakes head* how blind can you really be

Ray: what?

Prince: Nigga Roc's the one who lying! He was the one who most likely kissed Yn!! Nigga u so stupid! You can clearly tell he has a thing for her, but you to stupid to realize that!!

Ray: nigga shut the fuck up! You don't know what I saw

Prince: just like you don't know what Roc told us earlier! I literally told you this on the fucking bus!

Ray: what?

Prince: if you don't tell him right now Roc, I swear on your life ima beat the bricks off you!

Me: Prince please!

Prince: Don't "Prince Please" shit! You and this shit head literally made her walk out, regretting her decision to come on tour with us! Who knows where she could be at right now! This big ass city!! She could be anywhere!

Prod: shit I wouldn't be surprised if her parents sent a ride for her. Probably on the next plane out of here


Prince: tell him!!

Ray: tell me what?

Prince: Roc!!

Me:*sighs* Ray, Yn didn't kiss me. I kissed her and that wasn't the first time I did it


Me: when we was throwing that pool party and she went into the house.... I kissed her then too

Ray: you kissed her knowing you had your girlfriend 5 feet away outside!?!

Me: I don't know what came over me!

Ray: we're supposed to be friends, basically brothers, and you stabbed me in the back like that!?

Me: I'm sorry! It never was supposed to happen again

Ray: sorry won't bring her back!! I'm going to go look for her

Prince: me too!

Prod: I'll come help

Me: I can help too

Ray: don't you think you did enough?

Walter: look as much as I want to look for her too, but you guys have a show to do!

Ray: Man fuck the show!! Are you kidding me right now!?

Walter: I know it's upsetting but you guys have an obligation to meet! You have thousands of fans out there waiting for Mindless Behavior! How do you think they'll react when they find out it's canceled last minute?

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