Get to know us :)

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Hi my beautiful readers,

This story is written by 2 teenage girls a 17 year old and 14 year old. We are cousins and we found our love for writing stories by reading wattpad.

If there is any grammar/spelling mistakes, we are sorry but English isn't our first language. We'll try our best to please you guys.

Please, do not hate if you don't like our story you can simply leave and also don't pressure us into updating because we have very busy schedules. Although we'll try our best to update twice a week.

About ourselves:

Here I'll tell you a bit about ourselves.
I am the 14 year old, my name is Ava and my favorite things to do is sleep, eat, play the piano(not very good), and sometimes cook. I don't have a favorite subject at school because I hate them all. I also don't have a favorite song because I can't choose but I'll tell you who I listen to ( I mostly like all genres and I don't care unless the song is good) Nirvana, Juice WRLD (('°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`) why did he die??)David Bowie, Post Malone, and more. My favorite movie would be 'Down to earth' or 'white chicks' or any Marvel movie. My favorite show would be either 13 reasons why or unbelievable( they were so good). I am obsessed with pineapples they are literally the best thing in the world. Yes I have failed a test once I was so sad I cried. I am the type of person that doesn't like to cry or show many emotions in front of people, it makes me uncomfortable.
My personality would be funny, caring, silly, dumbest bitch in the world, and lazy. You could say that I'm a crackhead but when I'm meeting new people I'm really really shy. My favorite animal would be an alligator because idk I love them. (btw Olivia is very uptight)

Hi, I'm Olivia and no I'm not very uptight Ava! >:( anyways, I won't be long and write the story of my life like Ava did. I will just say that I love love math especially Algebra and calculus (yes call me crazy but I really do). Dogs and bunnies are my favorite animals. I have ailurophobia, so I hate. hate. cats.

I've always wanted to publish a book and the opportunity finally came, so I hope you all will enjoy our story and if we have mistakes don't be afraid to help us, we'll appreciate it. And spread love and positivity. Always.

'You guac my world.' ()

Yours truly,

Ava and Olivia.

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