Chapter 24

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Y/N opened her eyes, blinking slowly, she looked around at her surroundings.

She could the panic rise in her.

Somehow, she was back, back in her old school, her old classroom.

The familiar smells haunted her .

The cheerful chatter passing through her ears.

She clutched her head in a horrifying realization.

Y/N was back in Hell.

She was back to her her torturers.

"Y/N!" Came the familiar voice behind her.

Turning around, she saw the familiar pink haired girl smiling at her, her grin stretched wide.

Her hands stretched out, dripping with blood, the happiness radiating off of her.

"Welcome home Y/N!"

With a start, Y/N woke up, her gasps coming out in quick succession.

The sweat trickled down the side of her face.

Jesus. Y/N hadn't expected to actually have fallen asleep.

And she certainly hadn't expected to have such a nightmare.

Y/N took a few deep breathes.

In and out. In and out.

She had to sort out her turbulent mind. Those awful memories and horrible dreams.

Or else, who knew were Y/N might end up?

As she calmed down, Y/N suddenly realized something very important, something that made her almost squeal in delight.

Her chains were gone!

She was able to freely move her arms and legs.

Which she did, wincing a bit at how weakened her body had become, probably from laying down too long.

As she swung her legs over the side of the bed, she saw a large golden evolope sitting on the desk next to her bed.

Gingerly, she picked it up and opened it, not anticipating what would be written inside.

"My dearest Y/N

I hope you've slept well. I had all your restraints removed since I didn't want your skin damaged.

There's to be a small dinner this evening. One of my assistants will be in shortly to help you prepare. I can't wait to see you.

I love you so much".

Y/N stared down at the cursive fancy writing in disgust. Love? What did this freak know about love?

And if everything he had was true; then she had basically been born into one shitty life.

She flung the letter to the ground and stomped on it with one foot.

"Eat shit and die Anton"

Her snarled muttering seemed to rejuvenate her body.

Oh yeah, Y/N was definitely going to destroy this asshole.

Not just him of course . Anyone. Anyone who had made her life a misery. Her life a torture. She didn't care about killing them if she had too.

Y/N didn't even care about death. Because she knew that had to take out her own revenge before even death could claim her.

A knocking sound made her head snap up.

The large golden traced doors opened.

And a small mousy man with round glasses ran in. Coming to her bedside and bowing deeply at her.

"G-Good Evening Miss! Uhm Mr. Anton has called me to help you with anything you need. A-As you see I'm here to prepare your for the small feast tonight". He squeaked out looking terrified at the thought of even helping her.

Y/N stared at him for a second as he darted his tear filled eyes away from her.

Then he suddenly stood up sharp and clapped his hands.

The doors opened again to reveal two haughty looking women in long maids outfits.

"They-They will help with any bathing and uh clothing preparation. I will arrange the cosmetics for you!"

He said this all quickly and nodded to the maids who moved towards Y/N.

And Y/N let them do what they needed to do.

The dark revenge filled thoughts clouding her mind and making her grin.

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