Chapter 4

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Lucy's pov

 "No of course not" I say

I get a text from him before he makes the group chat at least I think it's him when I open up the  text message it's not. I open up the text message and it's from a certain white haired Lisanna. She's probably just jealous or something.

Phone conversation 

Lisanna: He's mine stay away

Lucy: Who are you talking about?

Lisanna: Don't play fucking dumb with me you know who it is

Lucy: If it's Natsu then you have no reason to be jealous you can have him but I will not tolerate you being so rude to me

Lisanna: so you are not together?

Lucy: no we are just friends 

Lisanna: oh ok I guess.....sorry

Lucy: it's ok

Sorry? I didn't even know that, that word was in her vocabulary I'm surprised I've never heard her say that maybe she is getting better. She doesn't seem so bad just like a girl who likes a boy and wants him to like her back. Maybe me and her could possibly be friends I feel bad for her. I end the conversation before it gets any weirder.

She's just really jealous I'm not even sure why we aren't together. Good thing I put her in her place before she got any ideas. She may think she runs this school but she hasn't met me yet. Well that was awkward I say to myself glad that it's lunch finally. I really need to catch up with Levy she has been busy with her certain metal head "friend" lately. She says that they are not together but I don't believe her. At least he thinks that they are together whatever it is it's complicated.

I am so caught up in my thoughts I bump into Natsu on the way out to lunch so caught up in my thoughts I don't even see him until I already ran into him. I quickly apologize and when I look up he is looking as fine as ever he must workout or something  and I'm just well..... me. He says that it's alright and I hurry on over to Levy

I hear a ding as Sting my brother sends me a text that he is picking me up from school. I tried to decline it but he won't take no as an answer. A couple minutes later he comes rolling up with his bright red Ferrari. I say my goodbyes to all my friends and I sight and walk over to him. He sees that Natsu hugs me and he gets mad and walks up to us. I try to convince him that it was just a friendly hug but he doesn't believe me. "Yeah dude chill" said Natsu "But even so who the hell do you think you are?"

"I'm her boyfriend Sting" He says as he wraps an arm around me. "Sting!"I say getting super mad at him "you're my brother, not my boyfriend so get that out of your stupid head!"

I'm looking at Natsu right now and he looked disappointed when Sting says that So I go past Sting to try to convince Natsu. It doesn't look like he believes me so I pull out my birth certificate and show him that Sting is my brother.

"God I'm so stupid sorry Luce."

"It's ok" I say but then I think about it and ask him "wait why were you mad about that when he said that I'm his girlfriend?"

He starts shifting in his seat and he doesn't look like he knows what to say. Then he does the unexpected and starts blushing. "Well Luce I-

Then I am rudely interrupted and I hear the last voice I want to hear right now "Ayo Flamebrain!"

Hi guys! Sorry that Gray is always the one that gets in the way all the time but this is my story so deal with it. I need some feedback and advice I do not tolerate rude comments I take helpful criticism. I am going to start a game where I randomly throw in an anime reference from any of the anime and you guys can guess it in the comments below. I just want to tell you one thing about me before I go. I'm not going to say my name because it is very unique but my favorite color is sea foam green like the first color you see when you go to the beach. It's the really shallow part after the other color it's really beautiful especially when the sun is shining on it. 

Question of the chapter

Do you like milk chocolate or dark chocolate more?

I am a chocoholic but I've got to say milk chocolate

Well this chapter is done I hope you enjoyed. I love you all 

Stay safe

Peace ✌️

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