Chapter 29

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*A week earlier*

Lucy's pov

I was well enough to go to the doctor so Levy went with me. She stayed over last night so we can go easily over together. The boys were still asleep after quick assessment. We crept downstairs into the garage where my car is. We locked all the doors that weren't already locked. My car is pretty quiet so I'm sure that we got out of there without disturbing them. Levy took me to see a really good doctor that she saw before. I explain to her my situation and she nodded jotting it all down on a pad of paper with a clipboard. She had light brown skin and curly hair that tied up in a ponytail. Her glasses were on the bridge of her nose. She introduces herself as Dr.Susan and let us into what I assume is her office. She was able to explain to me about women sometimes having a false pregnancy result. 

"Yes that seems to be the case for you" she says taking her hands off my stomach she proceeds to remove the cool gel and throw the gloves in the trash. "You're approximately 11 weeks pregnant" Dr. Susan was saying while giving me a polite smile. I gave her back one too and thanking her for taking the time to see me. I know that she is probably very busy so at least that parts true. I still have no idea how I'm going to possibly tell Natsu. I sigh  which I've been doing a lot of lately. Swinging my purse over my shoulder and walking out of the office. They said that they would send me the bill later. Levy follows suit hurrying to try catch up with me. I slow my stride to match hers. She seemed out of breath with just that and I laughed.

(Me with my boyfriend and I'm 5'6 and his huge ass is 6'2. I'm always out of breath trying to catch up with him. Lol 😂. If you're reading this I'm sorry babe I love you anyway.) That was the OB/GYN that Levy saw when she thought she was pregnant. She never told Gajeel about that and she just told me, her best friend now. After like a couple months. Fortunately  I don't have a lot of morning sickness. The door creeks reopening reminding me that I need to oil it. "Shit" I mutter on the other side of the door is Natsu and Gajeel. They don't look happy and I smiled sheepishly up at them. They cross their arms and step aside just barely letting us in. "I couldn't sleep now without you" Natsu explains. Which is probably true and  how they found out we were gone. "I'm sorry I'll  explain it all to you in the morning now let's just get  some rest I say taking his arm with both of mine and going upstairs.

What is she going to tell him?

Question of the chapter

Do you like pumpkin pie or apple pie better?

I like real up a pie that's not apple slime for apples. I never like pumpkin flavored things. I don't know why but I just don't. It's my opinion though so don't judge.

I am thinking about doing holiday specials like for Thanksgiving. We have quite a few coming up Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's, Valentine's Day and Easter. I could totally do Passover, Kwanzaa and Hanukkah if you guys want. Just let me know in the comments your thoughts.

Stay safe 

Love y'all 

Peace ✌️ 

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