Chapter 16

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Lucy's pov 

I get a notification on my phone it's a group text wanting to talk to all of us in person. I wonder  what it's about but I shrug it off and get ready to go out again. I get there and it seems too quiet until I hear "Listen up brats!" Wow does this man ever change the guild is there same as always. He announces that we will be doing GMG in a few months and he recommends us training for it. After all we are the number one Guild in Fiore and don't want to lose our place. I hear a lot of cheering and grumbling. I wonder who I should ask to train with. That's when it hits me that I should ask Natsu. The thought didn't occur to me at first but he is very strong. He acts so childish but can  take out an entire dark guild  single-handedly. That man is almost as scary as Erza when he tries to be. I muster up the courage to ask him to train with me. Of course he agrees he also says that that's more time together with you I would never turn that down.

He's a sneaky one I didn't even think about that. The training isn't even about that but it is nice....ugh stop Lucy focus. I just want to become a stronger wizard and maybe even an S-Class mage. Natsu says we're leaving first thing in the morning I don't believe him, when is Natsu ever on time to anything? I'm never late but I take forever to get ready so I'm getting ready now. I take even more time then Natsu does and like geez thats bad. I get Virgo to help me pack so it takes less time. We are going to be staying in a cabin I set up for us its very close to the training grounds.

*in the morning*

-beep beep-

My alarm clock goes off and I groan as I hit it I go back to sleep not really wanting to wake up yet. A couple minutes later I get a text I take a quick glance at it and see the time.I shoot up out of bed as if I've just been stung. I rush around to get ready warp factor 10. I finished getting ready in a record time hour?!?(that is not short FYI but she takes way longer than that usually) 

I took way longer than I expected to take so I have to hurry. I rush to the train station and I buy the tickets for us on my way there. Knowing Natsu he wont be here yet so I prepare for stuff like this. I take a quick look around just to make sure I didn't miss him and as expected he isn't here yet. I put my hands on my knees having a moment to finally catch my breath. I am so out of shape this training will be way harder than expected.

I finally catch it and look in the other direction for Natsu just as I hear a "Hey Luce" from a voice I know very well. I turn around to see Natsu who's hair is messier than usual and he looks pretty tired. "You got here just in time they were about to start boarding" I tell him while walking towards the train with him following behind me. We get on and I let him lay his head on my lap like usual because of his motion sickness. I run my hands through his surprisingly soft salmon colored hair. I smile looking at his peaceful expression on his face as I take the advantage to study every feature on his face. Like this it's hard to believe that he's actually an S-Class fire dragon slayer.

How will the training go?

Will his parents like her?

Question of the 

Are you a single Pringle or taken bacon?

I'm taken bacon

Hope you all stay safe 

Love y'all 

Peace ✌️ 

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