Chapter 20

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I've been kind of doing daily updates so stay tuned that's where I edit all of my books after I put them on here.

Lucys pov

They seem really nice and all but they are surprised I got their orders right. I'm not completely helpless I know stuff too. The dad barely said anything but the mom is really nice it seems like she is the talker out of the two of them. The waiter came back with our food and it looked amazing to say the least. We all ate very politely except Natsu who ate like he's never been fed before in his life. I can't even look at him right now or I'll lose my appetite. I whisper to him "please stop". He looks at me and then at his mom who is giving him a death glare. I think she wins the glare off because he shrinks back into his seat eating his food a lot neater than before.

"so how did you guys meet?" his mom asks us. "well I um-" we both start at the same time then look at each other and laugh. "you go" he tells me and I nod and start. "well it was the first day of school and I was running late. I bumped into him and he helped me pick my stuff up when I dropped like everything I was holding. It turns out my girl friends we're friends with his guy friends. I only found this out when we all went to watch the basketball game and he was playing. Whenever I caught his eye he would look away immediately and be rude to me but I realized it was just his way of pushing people away especially girls. I guess I was able to break down that barrier. we've been dating ever since he confessed to me at a candlelight picnic dinner. It's been about two years now that we've been dating." I tell her with a slight smile.

"yeah thanks to her clumsy late self or else I probably wouldn't be here right now with her right now if she gave up on me" he says putting an arm around me as I blush. curse my very pale skin I was mad at him too when he said that I'm not always late and clumsy. My body clearly felt different though so they are battling and my body is clearly losing. I wish I wouldn't react to him this way even though he likes it.

"Aw you guys are just too cute I remember those days when it was your father and I" she says staring wistfully at the sky as if longing for those days again. "mom we've hear this story before" Natsu groans cutting her off with his complaining. His mom frowns and whacks him upside the head it's hilarious how he does everything she asks and just quiets down. I make a compromise that would please both of them. "I would love to hear it but perhaps another time" I ask her pleading it would work because I'm trying to avoid conflict here. "of course dear" she says smiling warmly at me as I realize what I've just gotten myself into. I just agreed to meet up with them again am I crazy or something? I was just going to try to get through this and see how this went before making promises. Well I guess I cant really take it back now that is just really bad form.

Natsu pov

I am so glad they are all getting along well I was afraid for a second but now it's all good. We are all just joking around and getting  to know each other for a while until the waiter comes back. He's been eyeing Lucy all night and I don't like it one bit. I already at him when he comes back and says "is there anything else I can do for you tonight? Perhaps your number madam?" He says winking at my Luce. "No me and my girlfriend are ok" I say enunciating girlfriend and putting my arm around her just to show. He doesn't seem to get the hint though and it's making me mad.

What will Natsu do?

Will he keep his cool?

Will the rest of the dinner go ok?

Who even is this guy?

Why isn't he backing down knowing she's taken?

Find out in the next chapter that I'll be publishing shortly just wait a bit. 

Question of the chapter 

Are you a morning person or a night owl? 

I'm a night owl. I hate mornings if someone wakes me up I might throw something at them so be careful that's when I'm at my worst and everyone knows that about me.

Love y'all 

Stay safe 

Peace ✌️ 

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