Chapter 8

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Lucy's pov

I turn around on the train and see...... Laxus 

I go up to him and I'm mad at him for lying to me "hey you! Why didn't you say that it was you? "He turns around and looks at me, "sorry Blondie didn't know it was you even so I'm training and needed people to not know who I was."

"Oh ok I was going to train too" I say looking down at the ground suddenly feeling nervous. "Well I'll see you around,  bye I say getting out of there quickly. Damn it Lucy why did you have to make that so awkward? I say to myself. 

Just as I am going to leave to go check in to my hotel I am suddenly pulled close to their chest. It is someone who clearly has been working out and has toned muscles. I look up and see Laxus and he turns to look away from me I'm not sure why. "Blondie , would you like to go on a mission with me?" He says to me and for some reason I'm not even thinking about that.

I say yes even though this was supposed to be a vacation and all I need to take my mind off of it. I agree to go on a mission with him and we agree to meet up at the train station tomorrow morning . 

Laxus pov

I'm not even really sure why I asked her on this mission I should go and talk to Freed about it and see what he thinks. When I get to his house I smell a very familiar scent and I feel nauseous because he always has a different guy every day. I know I should've gone to Evergreen and just as I'm leaving to go there Freed comes out.

I don't say the girls name because they all would know who it is if i said her name. Freed looks very surprised once I finish telling him my whole view of this whole thing. It's not a lie that I was going out training but it's as to clear my mind from her if anything it just made it worse and made me miss her more. 

"Man I never thought I'd see the day when the Great almighty Laxus turned into a honey teenage boy over a girl man she's got you whipped good" he teases laughing and I just glare at him lighting crackling around me. "Freed I did not come here to be made fun of I came here for some advice" I say my patience ticking even though I feel the same way too.

 Author San :Yeah Laxus in your face

Laxus: hey you meanie why do you gotta be like that

Author San: you are in my story so deal with it

Laxus: yeah so......

Author San: focus though and grow a pair to confess to her

Laxus: I will geez but like you said this is your story so make it happen 

Author San: I will just not yet though so get back in there(kicks him back into the story)

Laxus: hey! 

Sorry guys I'm weird and have issues so don't judge meh for that little conversation between Laxus and I. I just had to comment on that sorry guys I know that some of you are weird too and probably do this game like that. All my friends are weird we're a bunch of weirdos but that's how we all fit together.

I am going to do what Freed suggests about how to confess to her after this mission is done though. I am going to........hey I'm not telling you yet. Where's the fun in that? I need a good nights rest and I prepare the surprise for tomorrow. 

Hey guys! If you guys liked then comment down below and vote please I am grateful for all the support I get and I respond to every single comment. I am so sad that there is not going to be a season 10 of Fairytail I'm looking into other animes to watch like that one. If you have any suggestions for me then comment.

Question of the chapter 

Pizza or chocolate?

For me definitely pizza I'm sorry I love chocolate but I love pizza more

Ok peace ✌️ 

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