Chapter 32

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*Christmas special *

Just so you know most of my chapters will be in Lucy's Pov.

Lucy's pov

To say I'm excited is a very inaccurate term to use because I'm a lot more than that. Whenever Natsu around she's been kicking my stomach all day. Especially when she's already a daddy's girl which is so not fair since I'm giving birth to her. I try to stay away from Natsu since her kicks hurt she's very strong. Somehow she can sense him I'm not sure how though since she's not even born yet. 

She already has us all wrapped around her little finger and Natsu doing her bidding and whatever she wants. This is our last Christmas before the kids are born so we better make the most of it. Then we will have more responsibility with them and not be as carefree as we used to be. I already talked to Natsu about all of this too and he understands and agrees with me.

We are waiting to pop the champagne until all of us are here and right now only Natsu parents have arrived so far. This year we decided to do secret Santa but Natsu still spoiled me with like 10 presents and stuff for the baby. I don't know what I did to deserve this man and none of the presents were cheap. I'm wearing the red dress that he bought me which covers my baby bump perfectly and I'm not wearing high heels cause those hurt like hell. 

I got him a little something too "baby can u come here for a minute?" I ask him and he stands up from the couch and says "sure baby." I pull the thing out of the bag after I tell him to close his eyes. I fidget with the thing in my hand passing it from hand to hand and looking down at the floor. I hope that he likes it but I'm not sure "how long do I have to keep my eyes closed" he whines and I laugh at his impatience.

"Sorry I know this is something you've wanted for a while but I am nervous that you won't like it, anyways just hold out your hands" I tell him. He complies a little bit hesitantly as I'm known to have tricked him before. He is wise to not fully trust me after what happened last time I get it I wouldn't either. This one is legit though and I slowly place it in his hands to not startle hi with the weight of it.

It's a full gold Rolex watch and that thing was expensive and heavy so you know that it's legit and they're not joking. I see him peek with one eye and then opens the other eye and rips it open. When he looks inside he lights up like a Christmas tree I can tell that he's happy with it.

He puts his arms around me spinning me around as I can't help as a giggle escapes my mouth my hair going all over the place like crazy. Natsu places me back on my feet fixing my hair and pulls me in for a very passionate kiss. "I love my present but I love you even more" he tell me resting his head on my neck.

I smile in contentment knowing that he's sincere in all of what he just said. "Well you can unwrap that present later" I purr sexily in his ear. He growls as I sashay out of the room as he comes after me. I hear the doorbell ring this time I literally am saved by the bell (no pun intended) 

All our friends carpooled together so I step aside and let them all in as they try to hand off all the gifts to me. I direct them towards the decorated Christmas tree where they leave the presents underneath. I turn around to call Natsu to let him know that they are here forgetting that he's right next to me. I have been baking cookies like crazy so I retreat to the kitchen.

With all the distractions with all of them coming the cookies got a little burnt. "Shit" I complain and then decide to improvise since I don't have any time to make more. I take inventory of what we have already in the fridge. I found some cream I can whip up with some fruits and chocolate that I just found in the pantry. It's nothing fancy though and since it's December we can make those delicious things with ice I like to make. We put honey and other kinds of syrup on top of it to sweeten it.

Thank God my friends are being reasonable about it. I put a movie for all of us to watch it's called Elf don't judge me I love that movie so much. It's a classic and they do too and since I'm the host I pop the popcorn and get the snacks for the movies. This is going to be a tradition I won't stop when we have kids. This is a family friendly movie so it's perfectly ok either way. I hate red vines so I don't get any of those or even have those in my house. I have stuff like mochi crunch and M&Ms.

I wasn't called into work today so I've just been preparing at home I'm usually a doctor which I went to medical school for. It's always been my passion ever since I was a kid probably because all 4 of my grandparents were doctors. I'm a different type of doctor than any of them I'm a cardio thoracic surgeon. Which means I work with hearts basically I operate on them I'm not sure how to describe it.

When I'm getting the popcorn out of the microwave all of a sudden my pager goes off. I groan but take it out anyway because somebody could be dying and I do not want to be responsible for that we are supposed to be saving lives not ending it. That's what we doctors use to contact each other in case a patients in trouble. It's one of my regular patients who just had a heart transplant but apparently it wants so successful.

I had the residents monitoring her closely and gave specific instructions to call me in case anything happened which they did. I'm glad they at least know how to do part of their job right by calling me. I explain the situation to my friends and leave it all in Levy's hand since I don't trust Natsu. I rush out of the door grabbing my scrubs and head straight for the hospital which is relatively close to my house. 

I find out where she is in and book an O.R after I see what the problem is. I scrub and pull my booties and stuff on. I get a resident to scrub in with me since after all this is a teaching hospital.

*time skip* to after surgery's done (sorry guys even though all of my grandparents are doctors I don't really know how this all works)

The surgery went successful so I get my resident to update the family about that and her recovery. I check the time and realize that dinner is already over at my house since all the food is prepared. It's actually very late it's already 11:59 PM I sigh and say "merry Christmas" unenthusiastically to myself before passing out. This is not how I intended to spend Christmas at all this year was my last thought before drifting off to sleep.

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Stay safe

Love y'all 

Peace ✌️ 

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