Chapter 31

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I have no clue what to do yet so the next eight chapters will be holiday specials. So stay tuned for those coming out soon I'm sorry for the long awaited release of these chapters I won't delay you any further. Now let's get into it!

*Thanksgiving special* 

Lucy's pov

I'm starting to lose track of days I can't member which day is which. That's not thanks to Natsu who keeps me awake all the time with things that could easily be discussed at a later time. Like when I'm not trying to sleep. Just because he's bored doesn't mean that he can just do that to me. I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do but I'm probably going to try to get some sleep while he's at work. Unless I have to go to work to but I'm not sure I work at this really cute boutique shop called Chanel. I work in the make up department so people come to me for their appointments and any recommendations about what kind of make up they should wear.

Since one of my really good friends Mira works there as a manager I sometimes take over for her when she can't come to work. It's probably due to like her new baby that she can't work so I'm happy to fill in for her. I get it since I'm having my own little one soon which is goin to be very stressful on us all. At least my babies will start off with a lot of wonderful Aunts and Uncles if I decide to have any more in the future.

Everyone knows birth is awful and very painful too so I may not want to give birth anymore ever. If I do want any more kids later in life I'm probably going to adopt. We can discuss that after the baby's born though Natsu and I. No use getting worked up about all of the hypothetical if I don't know what it's like myself. 

I got a text from Levy as I've pulled up into the employee parking lot in the mall. I just grab my keys and purse out of my car. I stand right by my car to check my phone just to see what she has to say. 

*phone conversation*

Levy: r u ready for tonight's dinner?

I frown trying to recall what she means by that but I don't remember their being a dinner tonight. I check my calendar to see if that helps me figure out what she means by that and it does. How could I forget Thanksgiving and I'm all the way here at work I  think laughing to myself. I'm might as well take advantage of that to go shopping since I usually cook for everyone. Since I'm already here, I'm mean why not?

Lucy: yeah I am almost ready heading to the store right now

She just leaves me a thumbs up acknowledging that she got the text. I nod and head towards the grocery store closest to me which is Safeway. I guess I can pick up a few things there but my main shopping trip will be Costco. Only because the boys eat so much since they are dragon slayers and all. Also on top of that two of us are pregnant and one just had a baby so we women are also very hungry.

Everybody knows you do not want us grumpy we are way more intolerable than we usually are then which is saying something. I made a turkey that was at least 20 pounds, some cranberry sauce since Natsu really likes it but I don't. I made all kinds of  potatoes one was roasted potatoes and mashed potatoes.

I also made yams and other sweet potatoes I'm sticking to a more traditional thanksgiving. For dessert I have an Okinawan sweet potato pie with Haupia on the top. I also decided to make pies and those will be pumpkin and apple. I love any apple desserts in general it doesn't really matter to me.

After I get everything I need in the store I start my journey back home. I swear I practically bought the whole store with how much it all cost. Also the fact that it was a ton of stuff didn't help me. I somehow managed to get it all to my car with no help at all from anyone even the people at the store. When I got home I fumbled with the keys to get into the door as I'm carrying bags in my hand. I transfer all of the bags one hand so I can get the door that's when Natsu comes out. He looks me up and down holding the door open for me I forgot that I gave him a key to what is practically our house now. Since we are having a baby together I though he might as well move in.

It wasn't an after thought I always wanted him to move in but I didn't know how much until the I was pregnant. He quickly takes the bags for me not listening to me protest about wanting to be independent and not help not just because I'm pregnant. I give up and sigh walking back to the car to grab more items. I move quickly enough so he doesn't take it for me placing it all on the counter to unpack. I have a seat for a second as I am exhausted thanks to the baby taking up a lot of my energy now.

I hate it but I love being pregnant with Natsus child too it's kind of a weird feeling to have. Men will never understand it though unless they carried a baby for themselves. It's so sweet of him to offer to help as I'm finishing putting everything away. I send him to wash all the vegetables which were corn, broccoli, asparagus and potatoes. I figured even he can't screw that up no matter what really. I then warily give him a knife to start chopping the vegetables.

As I'm putting water in a pot and heating up the stove and oven for the Turkey. I'm making the sauce last minute like 5 minutes before so it's super fresh. I hear the doorbell ring just as I'm taking the Turkey out of the oven. I yell at Natsu to answer it and in walks all of our friends and that's my cue to start on the cranberry sauce. 

I set up a table where we have like a buffet so we can get whatever we want from the table and how much. I placed the food there with Natsus help this was a lot easier this year and I smile at him as he takes the turkey from my hand to place on the table. He also set the table settings which look beautiful. I smile politely at all of the guests before gesturing for all of them to have a seat. I stay standing in case they need anything and ask "would anyone like anything to drink?"

I offer them all drinks and the ones who were driving home took the apple cider the non alcoholic one. Like Natsu got the apple cider which is non alcoholic since he doesn't like alcohol. Some people just stayed with water like Levy, Ezra, I the pregnant women and Mira who is breast feeding. Laxus, Gajeel and Grey all took beer but just a little but since they are all big men it won't affect them that much or even at all. 

I get them all their drinks and settle down right next to Natsu. We pray before standing up to get food Natsu eyes my plate probably judging how much I'm eating. I glare at him looking at his plate besides I have two mouths to feed which is his fault. He only has one to feed and is eating a hell of a lot more than me.

We all joke and laugh this is our very wonderful tradition at Thanksgiving and I absolutely love it and wouldn't change it for the world. I hope that it will stay this way even when we have our kids we all give a toast and drink. Right before digging into out food we all say together "happy thanksgiving!" You can hear the clinking of glasses and then the happy chatter starts up when we start to eat the food that we just put on our plate from the buffet. 

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter happy belated thanksgiving!

What are you all thankful for?

Why are you thankful for that thing/place/person?

I love you guys I really enjoyed my thanksgiving as well that's why I'd dint update and this is very late considering it's close to Christmas now. 

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Stay safe 

Peace ✌️ 

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