Chapter 15

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Lucy's pov

Wow after what Natsu said about his brother I'm not really sure how to respond and it is frustrating. I always say the wrong things at the wrong time and I really don't want to screw this up. I finally decided to text him back I feel bad for not responding right away.

*phone conversation*

L: I don't know much experience with this but I can imagine what you are going through. I'm here for you if you need anything at all.

N: Ah thanks Luce the same goes for you.

L: Oh it's time to go we can talk later or something

N: ok I guess 

L: yeah see you

N: ok bye

Zeref s pov

"Ow damn it" I hiss as the nurse cleans my wounds. I push her away and do it myself but it doesn't hurt any less. He really is a lot stronger then when we were kids. This Lucy girl must really mean a lot to him if he didn't do a lot less to me. I deserve it though I'm a coward. My parents have probably been called already by the school due to stupid school policy. I hear the clinic door open as I look up. I'm met with those hazel green eyes by none other than Mavis. She is my beautiful blonde haired girlfriend who i met recently after the incident she changed me but I'm not sure if its good or bad.

She worries too much and starts to blame herself for what happened. I immediately feel awful and I try to comfort her but I'm not sure how. She wants to try and find her parents and I couldn't leave her on her own. It was a coincidence that we came too this school and saw him. I wasn't even looking for Natsu if anything I was trying to avoid him. I cant yet explain the situation I'm in to him and its awful. 

I look to transfer schools and the earliest I can transfer is next week. I asked to switch out of all his classes and I'm just going to keep a low profile. The nurse isn't even done with my wrap but I don't care. I get up and she tries to protest but I ignore her its not like I'm going to faint for blood loss or anything So dramatic. Mavis cant even look at my wound without feeling responsible. It's not either of our faults that he was here but it was mine that I didn't move. If I had known that was his girl I would've moved. Ive never seen him this way about a girl he must love her.

Natsus pov

That conversation with my parents was so weird and unexpected. It went way better than I thought it would. I wanted Lucy to meet them when she feels comfortable with it. I'm not going to force her if shes not ready.  I hope she is I would also like her to meet them. I hope they can learn to accept it and not be too hurt by it. I should text her about what happened with the engagement.

*text conversation*

N: Hey babe, I was able to convince my parents to call off the engagement. It's a work in progress and they still have to get her parents on board and to agree also.

L:  oh thats great I really hope that they can convince them.

N: yeah I do too how about dinner with my parents? They would love to meet you and actually suggested it themselves.

L: just dinner?

N: yes well unless my parents interrogate you with questions and my mom clings to you and is overly friendly.

L: Natsu!!

N: what?

L: don't talk that way I'm already nervous as it is

N: I'm sorry they'll love you almost as much as I do. Not more no one can love you more than me. You will do great just be yourself. Ok?

L: thanks i will just tell e when and where and I'll be there 

N: ok my house at 7:00 on Saturday I can pick your up if you want.

L: yeah that would be great if you could.

How will it go?

Will they like her?

What is Zerefs plan?

What is he after?

I know this is something on girls will understand because of my pain. I'm on my period and my boyfriend keeps complaining about it. It's not my fault I get cramps and it hurts geez. I get awful mood swings that he has to deal with. I feel bad for him but he is AMAZING!!! And loves me through it. Just know I feel your pain girls and you're not alone In this world. He even brought me food he is so sweet. Girls go get yourself a man who will do that for you and so much more you can contact me anytime I always reply. If you want me to dedicate a chapter to you then vote and/or comment and I will.

Question of the chapter 

For books do you like Harry Potter or Percy Jackson and the olympians?

For me it's Percy Jackson and the olympians I love Rick Riodrian and all of his books they are so amazing. I was never into Harry Potter and I wanted to read after I found out how homophobic J.K Rowling and I'm bi so I don't appreciate it. Even if I want it's still not cool to treat or say anything like that to anyone. She's not for the LGBTQ community I'm sorry but it's true just so you all know.

Stay safe love y'all 

Peace ✌️ 

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