Chapter 1: Weird Things

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"Help..." A voice asks me.

The voice is quiet. Close to a whisper but loud enough to hear.

"Huh...?" I say in confusion.

My name is Charlie. I'm 14 years old.
I've got longish brown/blonde hair and blue eyes. Right now I'm lying in my bed and hearing a strange voice.

"Please...follow my voice."

Usually, I'd just lie in my bed, ignore it and try to get back to sleep but something about it just seems...right? I don't know how to put it. I slowly get up out of my bed and quietly open my door. I look around and make my way to the stairs.

"Hello?" I whisper.

"Yes, please, follow me." The voice says, louder this time.

I walk down the stairs, trying not to make any noise. As I step down the last stair I see a large trap door that is large enough for me to fit into in the centre of the living room.

"What on earth?" I mumble.

For some reason, I go over to the trap door and open it. There's a ladder and it seems that it goes on forever. I stare at it and hear the voice again.

"Keep going, you're getting close." The voice tells me.

I take a breath in and start to climb down the ladder, shaking a little.

"I swear to god if there's a clown down here I'm gonna scream." I grumble, slightly frightened.

Well, you would be too. As I climb down I start to hear more voices but it's really hard to make out. There's so many different ones, none of which I know.


"You have to calm down Charlie, getting worked up won't help your friends." Another tells me.

"You've always had those power, they've never come from the amulet, they've come from you."

Who are all these people? What are they talking about? This is confusing me...
I look down and see a light at the end. I make it down and jump at the step. I look in front of me and see nothing but black. I shake a little and clench my fists.

"You're almost here..." The voice tells me.

I walk down the path and torches light up and have golden glow. "That's...weird." I say with an eyebrow raised.

I keep waking, thoughts racing about what could be at the end of the tunnel. I reach the end and look around, nothing in front of me. Is this some kind of joke? Is something meant to happen?

Suddenly, the ground in front of me erupts and something starts to come out of it, I jump backwards and fall down. A beautiful spirit looks down at me and and the floor beneath her is glowing bright gold. She has very light blue skin and has a long white dress and some kind of red jewels in her blonde hair, with black strips through it. I stare at her, shocked, scared and curious all at the same time, this...this had to be a dream, right? This can't be happening. I looks down at the ground and then all of a sudden, she starts to speak.

"Your afraid, aren't you? I can see the powers in your heart, waiting for the right moment to break free from within you. There is no reason to fear me. But there are other things you will fear."

Her voice is very soft and kind but you can tell that what she's saying is serious. I slowly stand up and stare at her.

"What...what are you talking about?" I ask.

Guardians Of The UltraVerse: A Hero's Beginning (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now