Chapter 6: An Unknown place

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"GGGGAAAAHHHH!" I hear a someone yell.


My eyes flutter open and I see a woman in the distance. I shake my head to snap myself out of the daze and slowly stand up. I start walking over to her and can see tears running down her face.

"What the hell is wrong with me!?! Why didn't I keep my emotions in check? I could have killed the people in that ship! Why did I-"

She turns around and sees me and looks at me, surprised.

"Are you ok?" I ask her.

She rubs her forehead and sighs.

"No. I'm not." She replies in anger.

She turns around and looks right at a huge stone in front of her. She lifts her hand up and dark spikes shoot out from behind her and they wrap around the stone and crush it as she closes her fist. I stare at her, stunned.


I try to form some sort of a sentence but not before Nadia chimes in.

"Yes. I'm the one who nearly killed all you and your friends. I'm the bad guy. I'm a terrible person who should probably be locked up in jail!" She yells in rage.

She paces back and forth and makes motions as she speaks. I can tell that she's getting herself worked and walk closer to her.

"You're getting yourself in a panic. Just calm down and-"

Nadia cuts me off again.

"How can you tell me to calm down? I almost killed you! Yes I didn't mean it but still! You should be screaming at me, saying that you hate me and want me dead! Heck, I kinda wish I was dead right now!"

We both stare at each other for a second. Nadia sighs and turns away.

"Look. Charlie. I'm so sorry that I did that. I didn't mean to. I would never, EVER, do that to you or your friends. Please believe me. I know that you have no reason to and only have my word to trust but..."

She stops talking and I walk over to her and put a hand on her shoulder.

"I believe you." I tell her.

She turns and looks at me stunned. "" She asks, confused.

"I can tell. You don't seem like your sisters. You don't look like the type of person who wants to hurt others." I add.

Something changes in Nadia's eyes, like there's more happiness in them.

"Really?" She asks me.

I nod my head and she smiles slightly, but it's definitely not a full smile. It's almost like she's scared too...

"I guess you deserve to know about my power too then...My power is that I'm able to manipulate the darkness around me...I'm honestly not even sure how to use it. Or what it's about..."

She sighs and then looks me in the eyes

"I'm pretty sure you need to go look for your friends." Nadia mumbles shyly.

I jump a little as she says this. I turn around and look out.

"Oh my god your right!" I exclaim

I take off running away from Nadia but I can feel her smiling even if I'm looking away. Guess she's nothing like her sisters...and I'm glad.


After running off, I start to walk in an unknown direction. The place is mostly purple and has a moon-like surface. There are a few holes around but not deep enough to fall in. I can't help but feel...angry right now. What do they think of me? Just some girl who can't handle herself...but then again, they were only saying what they were saying because they just want me to be safe and I get that but... I want to be able to protect them, not the other way around. I will put my life on the line a million times before I put any of their lives on the line once. I start to shout, hoping that someone will respond, that isn't a villain, of course.

Guardians Of The UltraVerse: A Hero's Beginning (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now