Chapter 15: Preparations

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A/N: Just a quick heads up. There's a lot of swearing in this chapter and high levels of simping. You have been warned. Enjoy!

"You did what!?!" Peasley yells.

I've just told Peasley what happened on the ship...and what happened to the bean star. He isn't put it mildly. He stares at me in shock and shakes his head.

"You just destroyed the bean star? Without a second thought?" Peasley asks me.

"It was the only thing I could do!" I defend.

"The bean star has been in this kingdom for generations! How could you destroy it!" He asks me, furious.

"Charlie saved our lives today! Are you really saying that a bean star was more important?" Peach asks.

"Of course not! I...just..." Peasley starts to stutter and slowly starts to go quiet.

I look at him confused for a few seconds before turning back to the others.

"We better head back to the castle and explain what happened to Queen Bean. Better to ripe the bandaid off now." Luigi suggests.

Everyone apart from me, Cecilia and Peasley leave. I look at Cecilia and see that she's deep in thought.

"What's on your mind?" I ask her.

Cecilia turns to me and sighs softly. "I just can't figure out how Annette knew we were going to Little Fungitown. Nobody knew a part from is that we were going, right? So someone must have told her...right?" Cecilia wonders.

I see Peasley look really nervous for a brief second before composing himself. "She probably just saw you going there. It could just be a coincidence." Peasley adds.

Cecilia shrugs her shoulders. "I guess...I'd better head on with everyone else. I want them to know that I'm ok as well."

Cecilia starts to head back to the castle and Peasley goes to follow her but I grab his arm tightly, stopping him. I look at him cautiously and try to hide how I'm feeling.

"I wanna talk to you alone for a minute..." I tell him, suspicious.

Peasley stops and looks at me. "What is it?" He asks.

I let go of his wrist and start to walk in a circle around Peasley. He looks at me confused, but at the same time, fearful.

"Charlie...what's going on?" He asks.

I look him up and down, glaring a little.

"You know...Annette said the strangest thing when I was on the ship...she said you told her that we were going to Little Fungitown...I thought she was lying but with the way your acting...your making me think otherwise." I tell him.

He looks pure shocked and starts to stutter even more. "S-she d-did?"

I look at him in pure anger, knowing fine well what the answer is. "You didn't?" I ask him quietly yet threateningly.

"I-I...." Peasley tries to form a sentence but fails, giving me the answer.

I look at him shocked. "You actually fucking did!?!" I scream.

"Charlie...I-I can explain!" Peasley starts.

I shake my head and push him backwards a little. "No you can't!... That's why you came so fast. You knew that was going to happen, didn't you!?! You nearly got me and my friends killed! You put the whole of the Bean Bean kingdom in danger and for WHAT?" I ask him in rage.

He looks down at the ground, ashamed, and then a thought dawns on me...Nadia said Annette was out all night...but...after what I told him... "You didn't...? You wouldn't..."

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