Chapter 11: The Hunt For the Mario Brothers

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As we fly. I start to wonder what the hell to do, and if Mario and Luigi are going to be ok. I mean, it is Mario and Luigi. It's not like they can really die...right? I sigh softly and lie against Cecilia back. I can feel her flinch a little but she relaxes.

"They'll be ok Charlie, I promise." She tells me, trying to reassure me.

I don't reply and simply sigh. We all stay silent as we start to land. Blablanadon lands and we all climb off of him. I look at him and smile.

"I'm so sorry for that. It was just...if we didn't hurry we all could have gotten seriously hurt...are you ok?" I ask him.

He nods his head.

"Don't worry about me. I've carried heaver. I wish I could stay but I have to get back to my home."

He flies off and we wave our goodbyes to him. Honestly? I'm glad he went. I didn't want him getting hurt because of us...Popple on the other hand.

"Well girls. This has been fun but I have to run-"

Cecilia grabs him by his collar as he tries to leave.

"Not a chance." Cecilia deadpans.

I roll my eyes in anger.

"You think we're gonna let you off the hook? You're the whole reason that we're in this predicament!" I yell.

He crosses his arms.

"It's not like I meant to make the bean star angry! I'm Popple! Thief extraordinare! What do you expect from me?"

He sounds so arrogant it's unbelievable. How the hell can he call himself a 'thief extraordinare?' That's the last thing he is!

"Look, There is no way that we are letting you go until we find the Mario brothers. Understand?" Cecilia tells him.

She creates chains that wrap around Popple's entire body in an instant.

"Well it doesn't seem like I have a choice." He grumbles, annoyed.

Me and Cecilia both share a glance and giggle a little.

"So do any of you girls have any idea where to go?" Popple asks.

As if on cue we hear a massive crash in the distance. We all turn and look into the distance.

"That way." I say pointing in the direction the crash came from.

We all start to walk in the direction (well we drag Popple) of the crash.

"So I don't even get to walk? Lovely." He says sarcastically.

We both ignore him and keep walking. Cecilia turns to me and smiles slightly.

"Do you think Naida and her sisters survived that?" I ask Cecilia.

Cecilia looks at me.

"Yeah they probably did. I've fought them before and it takes a lot to even get a scratch on them. Hence why I'm surprised you took Annette and Crystal out with such ease."

Hearing Cecilia say that reminds me of something.

"Yeah speaking of which, what did Crystal do when her eyes started to glow?"

Cecilia blinks twice.

"What are you talking about?" She asks me, genuinely confused.

I stare at her.

"Do you really not remember? You were all on the ground unconscious!" I say to her stunned.

She shakes her head.

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