Chapter 12: To Little FungiTown!

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“Thank goddess you're all back safe and sound!” Prince Peasley exclaims, delighted.

We’ve all just arrived back at the castle and are greeted by Prince Peasley and Lady Lima. Who are both happy to see us.

“I’m thrilled that you have managed to beat those awful girls and Cackletta.” Lady Lima smiles.

I hand the bean star over to her and she smiles.

“I’ll make sure that this is put back safe and sound.” Lady Lima tells me.

She walks away and Peasley comes up to me.

“So what happened on the ship?” He asks me excitedly.

I start to explain what happened, from me sneaking around the ship to Nadia helping us get the bean star back. Everyone joins in adding their part to the story. Peasley listens to all of us and claps his hands together

“Wow! It sounds like quite the adventure.” Peasley says.

I can tell there’s a hint of jealousy in his voice but what does he have to be jealous about? He's helped the Bean Bean kingdom before as well... At least I think so.

“Trust me, it was. Anyway I think I should go see Queen Bean to tell her about everything. Are you guys coming?” Cecilia asks everyone.

Mario and Luigi nod and Peach smile.

“I’m gonna hang out here for a while. I'll see you in a sec.” I answer.

They all walk away, leaving me with Peasley. I honestly wanted a moment alone with him to show him what Annette wrote in her diary, but have no clue how to start the conversation...

“Um...Peasley...I have something I need to show you.” I start.

He looks at me confused. “What is it?” He asks.

I take a deep breath and pull out the page that I ripped out. I hold it tightly and look away.

“I found this while I was sneaking around the ship...and I think you should see this…”

I hand it to him and he starts to read it. I slowly look at him and can see his face change completely. “I’m...sorry.” I mumble softly.

I knew she was like this but...I know that Peasley may or may not have feelings for her...I hope not. I mean even if he did, there definitely gone now. He stops reading and for a moment it looks like he might cry...but instead he starts laughing, and I don’t mean a good kind of laugh, I mean the demented kind.

“Of course she thinks this of me! Why would anyone want me for anything else! Right?”

I look at him with empathy and walk closer to him, trying to form a sentence of some kind, but I can't think of anything. “I mean…”

He rips the paper in half in anger. He looks away and sighs, although it sounds more like a growl.

“I… better leave. You’ve probably got better things to do then listen to my sorrows.”

Not knowing what else to do I throw my arms around him and hug him.

“This isn’t your fault. Annette clearly does this a lot and it's not your fault. Your a good person. It's clear you only want to do the right thing.” I tell him.

He stays quiet and I remove my hands from him. He turns around and looks at me.

“You mean that?” Peasley asks.

“Of course I mean that! I’m not the type of person to sit back and watch others get hurt and feel bad about themselves. Because I can't! I litrally can't! Your my friend! Why would I say that if I wasn't telling the truth?”

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