Chapter 9: The Robbery

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"Run! Just keep running!" I yell in fear.

I sprint as fast as I can not knowing where the hell I'm going and not knowing where I am. I almost run into a tree I'm running so fast. Fear runs through my vein and my legs are killing me.

"Come back here..." A voice whispers to me.

I don't look back and can feel tears running down my face.

"No....NO! Leave me alone!" I yell, not stopping.

Dark Spikes start to come out in front of me but I just barely manage to dodge them.

"You can't run forever Charlie!" I hear the voice yell again.

I ignore it but look behind me and see rope come flying at me. It ties around my legs and I fall over and bang right into a tree. I look back to see the person chasing me. They're wearing a cloak so I can't see who they are. I struggle to stand up but it's no good.

"Stop running Charlie you know that I'll find you." They tell me.

I summon my sword and try to cut myself free but the person shoots my sword right out of my hands. The blast looks like it's been made from pure darkness. I look back up to them and see darkness burning off their hand. They look down at me but I can't see there face. I struggle to back away, digging my hands into the ground.

"I don't even know who the hell you are...Just leave me alone!" I yell.

The person laughs at me.

"I can't leave you alone. You see...we're both connected; and no matter what you do or what you say. I'll always be nearby. You have no clue what kind of power you have...but when you learn..."

The person laughs chaotically.

"...Everyone around you will fear you." They finish

I start to shake with both fear and anger.

"No...NO! Get out of my head!"

My amulet glows like crazy and a blast of golden light consumes both of us. I look around but can't see anything but pure white.

"I'll always be a part of you..." I hear the voice whisper through the blast.


I wake up in a complete panic and bang my head against the head board. I look around and see that I'm still in the bedroom that I was sleeping in.

"What...What was that?" I ask myself shocked.

I shake my head, trying to snap out of the daze... but still can hear the person's voice ringing in my ears. The voice kept on changing and I couldn't even tell if it was a guy or a girl it changed so much and what the hell did it mean?

I mean, I've had weird dreams before but never like that...was this because of my new powers or something...No. I can't think about this right now, I have MUCH more important things to worry about. I push the covers away and look into a mirror and sigh. I move a strand of hair out of the way of my eyes and fix my clothes. I look towards the jacket that I was given and smile. I stand up and put it on and walk out of the bedroom. I walk down the hall and can hear guards talking. Where on earth were they when the castle got attacked?

"You hear about the new people that are here from the mushroom kingdom?" One guard asks.

I stop walking and stand close to the wall so they can't see me. I lean out a little so I'm able to see them. The other one nods.

"Yep. Heard one's got pretty cool powers. Says she can spawn a golden sword in a second. Pretty cool." The other guard agrees.

I can't help but smile at this comment.

Guardians Of The UltraVerse: A Hero's Beginning (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now