Chapter 16: The Last Stand

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We all walk out of the castle to instantly be greeted by a cannonball. We all dive and jump out of the way and the cannonball destroys the door of the castle. We all exchange a very worried look.

“Bowletta isn’t holding back either.” Luigi states, looking to where the cannonball came from.

I look in the direction the cannonball came from and see Bowser castle's flying in the air. I sigh a little and move my hair out of my face.

“Looks like that’s where we need to go.” Peach declares.

Almost like the castle heard her, It slowly starts to lower to the ground and we can hear it land from where we are. I smirk a little and look at Cecilia.

“That makes life easier for us.” Cecilia smiles.

We all start to make our way to the castle. Cannonballs keep on flying down from the sky and destroying all the houses and shops. I want to do something to stop it. I hate seeing people's houses and shops be destroyed, but I know that the only way I can is to beat Bowletta.

Thankfully none of the cannonballs come very close to hitting us. Looks like she really is gun in for the Bean Bean Kingdom. We’re just about to leave the town when out of nowhere, someone blasts a fireball at us. A really big one. We all dodge out of the way and draw our weapons.

“Who’s there!?!” Peach yells.

We wait for someone to come out but no one does. I stay on my guard and Cecilia grips her spear tightly. “Show yourself coward!” She yells.

Instead of coming out. Rings start to shoot out of nowhere and by the looks of it, we don’t want to try and touch them. I slash through some with my sword and and start to wonder if the people doing this aren’t from the Bean Bean kingdom…these attacks are all so familiar...Mario whacks a ring away and looks around.

“Where the hell is all of this coming from?” He asks.

I look around but can’t see anyone. “I don’t know!” I yell, frustrated.

As if things couldn’t get worse, bullet bills start to fire towards us, and yes; They do lock on to us. We all look at each other wondering what to do. Luigi charges up lightning in his hands and blasts it at the bullet bills. They all shut down and fall to the ground. More rings fly towards us so me and Cecilia cut through them.

“Who on earth can shoot fire, spawn rings and fire bullet bills at us?” Luigi asks.

I realize that it isn’t one person, but more like a group. 

“The Koopalings!” I exclaim. A bullet bill locks onto me and I cut it in half. “Think about it. Bowletta did go to the mushroom kingdom. Wouldn’t she find the Koopalings at Bowser's castle?” I suggest.

Cecilia nods her head. “Charlie's right. But why are they taking orders from Bowletta? Aren’t they Bowser's kids?”

Not wanting to get into that debate I shake my head.  “She's possessed Bowser so they must think it’s just Bowser giving the orders.” I add.

I see another bullet bill fire at us and freeze it solid. I growl a little and put my hands next to my mouth.

"Koopalings! Get out here! We know your here!" I shout.

Three of the Koopalings appear from there hiding places and look at us, almost like there possessed...what did Bowletta do to them? I know it's not Crystal controlling then... Not wanting to wait for an answer I switch my sword for my bow and arrow and start shooting at them.

“Come down and fight instead of relying on your stupid clown cars!” I yell at them. They completely ignore me and keep firing their magic at me. I jump back and out of the way. “Knock them out of the air!” I yell to everyone.

Guardians Of The UltraVerse: A Hero's Beginning (Book 1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon