Chapter 2: To Challenge Ones Heart

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The next day at school, I try to keep my cool and not have a panic attack after what had happened yesterday. I've been asked about it once or twice, heck some people have even called me a hero since I jumped in front of Molly. I guess some things do have their perks. Well all I know is that cross country doesn't have any and guess what we're doing for P.E! Oh the joys. As I'm getting ready for P.E, I see that Cecilia is also there. I smile and walk over to her.

"Hey, Cecilia." I say happily.

She looks over to me and smiles. "Hey, Charlie. Have you got P.E too?" She asks.

"Yeah I do."

Well, Cross country just got a whole lot more fun since I have someone to run (more like walk) with. We both finish changing and head out and wait to be told where we're running.

"So... excited about this?" Cecilia asks in a slightly annoyed tone.

"Not even a little bit." I deadpan.

We both laugh as the teacher comes out and takes attendance. Me and Cecilia both stop talking...unlike everyone else.

"Ok everyone can you stop talking!" Miss Matheson shouts.

But to no one's surprise, no one listens and everyone is still talking. I start to get a little annoyed at it. People next to me look at me and then start whispering. They giggle and I roll my eyes.

"Everyone please can you be quiet for a second!" Miss Matheson yells a bit louder this time.

I can feel my heart beat faster as I clench my fists. Both because people are talking loudly and because the two girls next to me, Maja and Faith keep talking about me. Cecilia looks at me and just as she does, a giant lighting bolt hits the ground right next to where Maja is standing. She screams and nearly faints. Faith catches her and some people laugh at her whole others stare, shocked. Everyone goes deadly sightly. Not knowing what to do or say.

" now can I take the register?" Miss Matheson says, slightly shocked.

I can't help but sigh as the register gets called.

"What was that!?" Cecilia asks me, not looking for an answer.

I shoot her a rather dead look. And so it begins...


After the register is taken Miss Matheson tells us the route we're running. Thankfully the route isn't that bad. In fact, it's actually the best one but that bar's not really set very high anyway.

"On your marks. Get set. GO!"

We all start running. Some people (Including me and Cecilia) are running at a very slow pace. When the teacher is out of view we both start to walk.

"Great minds think alike, am I right?" I say to Cecilia.

She smirks. "Yep..." She trails off a little and looks really deep in thought.

" ok?" I ask.

She doesn't reply. I touch her shoulder and she jumps a little. She looks at me surprised.

"Hello? You ok?" I repeat.

She shakes her head. "Oh! Yeah don't worry I'm fine just...thinking about that lightning bolt." She mumbles.

"Hey. That's nothing to worry about. Probably just god saying to Maja to get a grip of herself." I laugh.

Her lips twitch a little. "Yeah, I guess you're right."

Guardians Of The UltraVerse: A Hero's Beginning (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now