Place to stay part 2

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The song above is what I listened to while making this♡
Sorry it took me a while to update my lil brother took my phone and exited all the tabs and it didn't save. Hope you enjoy♡

Devyns POV
Corey freaks out and looks at my phone to see my I'm gasping. When he sees his mouth drops. "Colby what happened?" "Oh....... I just... uh f-fell. You know how clumsy I am." He says while looking down "What really happened?" I asked worried. By now me and Corey are sitting next to each other so were both on the screen. Colby doesn't say anything for a whole minute. "M-my da-" before he can finish his dad burst into the room with a beer bottle in his hand.  Colby taps something on his phone probably trying to hang up but didn't and throws his phone on the floor. Me and Corey sat there propped up on something with a side view of Colby and his dad. Hi dad throws the bottle on the floor, it smashing into peices it cuts up Colbys ankle. "Who the hell were you talking to?" Mr.brock yells. Colby jumps back a little bit. "Just a friend." "Did you hang up?" Yes sir" "good" he says and then slaps Colby across the face. I got scared and grabbed Corey's arm "Core please do something" i whispered in his ear "Is ok he just slapped him" "I hope so" I say say turning towards the phone screen. "I'll be back, if you move you'll regret it." Colbys dad says walking out. Colby takes that chance and shuts the door quietly and locks it. He starts looking for his phone. He finds it and looks at us on the screen with sadness and fear in his eyes. "I'm sorry you had to see that guys." He says "Hey I'm Corey Devyns boyfriend. I want you to climb out the window and bolt to the police station and stay on the phone with us." "Okayn I'm turning you on mute so he doesn't hear you." Whe just nod are heads as he puts us on mute. As soon as Colby is halfway out the window the door handle giggles. Then next thing we know is his dad busts the door down and pulls Colby back in by the hood of his hoodie. By now colby Is on the floor and we are once again propped up against something. His dad walks over to the door way and grabs a Walmart bag and dumps it on the floor. Us not having the best veiw we can see what it is. He then picks up a bandana and a rope. "Please dad please don't I'll do anything." Colby begged while backing up until he bumped into the wall. "His dad came closer and yelled "Don't telling me what to do!" While wrapping the bandana around his mouth and the rope around his wrist and ankles. He pulls out a pocket knife an puts the blade to Colbys stomach. 

Colbys POV

My dad put the blade to my side and wrote 'FAGGOT' across my side. He then got and dragged me by the hair to the post on my bed he ties my wrist to the post so that my back is facing him. I look over at my phone a see that my phone was propped up on the wall so that they can see everything. I was somehow able to get the banana out of my mouth right in time cuz I hear my dad star to unbuckle his pants. "Dad please no please." I begged. The next thing I felt was my dad's belt against my bare back.

The next chapter will. Have abuse and a little gore in it. Hoped you enjoyed. Comment what you will like to see in the next chapter


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