Tied up

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Devyns POV
"Dad please no not again" I hear Colby say
Again? His father's done this before? Is this why he wanted to come here? I look at Corey and he is on the phone taking to the police. The next thing I hear makes my heart into a million peices. That being Colby screaming in pain. I start crying and yelling at the phone for him to stop. Luckily none of the roommates are home. Corey reaches over and wraps his arms around me and pulls me into his lap. "Shhhh.... it's ok their on their way." [Colby lives in Kansas sso Corey had to call Kansas police department] 2 minutes later, Colby sill being beaten and me crying the police bust into Colbys room. They took his dad away then the paramedics came in and carefully put Colby in the stretcher. One of the cops stayed back and looked for the phone. One he found it he said "thank you" and hung up.

Sorry for short chapter but there you go


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