Chapter 7::

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Can I tell you guys a secret? This is the farthest I've ever written in an AU story. Yay!

I'm still not sure how long I want this to be...I'll cross that bridge when I get to it, I guess.

Do any of you watch Skins? No the crappy MTV version, but the original UK one? It's pretty awesome. Thank You Netflix.

I'm going to type now.

Eh, IWatchYouSleep (I hope I got that right :/) gave me the idea for the beginning part of this. So, yup. Tanks babe!

Here's chapter 7!


"Harry, don't you dare. Harry, don't- HARRY!" Louis shrieked as Harry dumped the remaining contents of the flour all over Louis. They had made a few things such as cake and cookies, but they soon grew bored and engaged in a food fight. Louis started it by cracking an egg on Harry's curly locks. It sort of just continued from there. It was far past closing time and Louis was sure that he had multiple missed calls from both the girls and Liam. Niall was probably home or asleep, either way he didn't care.

Harry let out a loud laugh as Louis patted his head, attempting to shake out all of the powder. "You know, that's a good look on you." Louis glared at the younger boy before grabbing the extra cake batter and using the whisk to flick some of it at Harry. He then realized that he wasn't satisfied and held the bowl upside down over Harry, allowing the mixture to empty onto Harry's chocolate curls. Harry's eyes widened at the batter dripping down from his hair. His hands reached up to see how much had been poured - and it was a lot.

"Louis!" Louis smirked and released the bowl, letting it hit the ground. He rubbed the batter into Harry's curls ignoring the taller boy's protest. "My hair!"

"Now you sound like Zayn." Louis chuckled. Harry sent him a death glare, causing Louis to stop laughing and start sprinting. Harry chased after him, having the advantage of knowing the room better than Louis did. He soon caught up to Louis, wrapping his arms around the older lad and stopping him in his place.

Louis squirmed around, but to no avail. Harry had a tight hold on Louis, making it almost impossible for him to move. Louis attempted to kick or stomp on Harry's foot, but Harry seemed to know his every move. Neither boys felt awkward at all. It actually felt rather comfortable in that position.

"Um, Curly. You can let go now." Louis said hesitantly. Harry instantly released his arms from around Louis, letting him wipe a small amount of cake ingredients off. "I should probably get going. I'll see you tomorrow, Haz."

Harry cleared his throat, shocked that Louis had given him yet another nickname. "Haz? No one's called me that before." Louis shrugged, grinning at the fact that he came up with a unique nickname for Harry.

"Yeah. Haz, I like it." Louis checked his phone finding 6 missed calls from Liam, 3 missed calls from Lottie, 4 missed calls from Fizzy. And over 20 texts from all three of them. "Shit. I really have to go. Bye Harry." Louis waved bye before exiting the back room, leaving Harry there by himself.

"Bye Louis" Harry whispered to himself while packing up the rest of his stuff. He decided that he would go in early the next day to lean up the mess and left the bakery, making sure to lock up.


Louis silently slipped inside his flat, hoping that the girls were asleep. He slid off his shoes and threw his keys on the end table next to the door.

"Where have you been?" Louis froze when the lights turned on and Liam's voice echoed from behind him. "It's almost midnight! The movie ended hours ago and when I called Zayn, he said you never saw him. And why are you covered in all of that...what is that?"

These Secrets Hurt Like Hell {Larry Stylinson AU}Where stories live. Discover now