September 1st-Fourth Year

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Judi walked down the corridor of the Hogwarts Express dressed in crisp Hufflepuff robes that Hermione had stolen from the castle late last evening. A fourteen-year-old Harry Potter beamed at her, his jet-black hair reaching to his shoulders, extremely untidy. Even though this was Harry at fourteen, he recognized Judi as if he were nineteen, the age they were now. Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Draco and…She smiled at the tall redheaded twins in front of her.

They all recognized her. They all knew who she was. And Fred was right there.

Fred smiled back at her. He extracted his arm, and offered his hand. Judi took it eagerly and Fred pulled her along with him. Soon she was pressed into his side. Fred kept his arm around her a bit possessively. Many passing students eyed them. When it came to houses, Gryffindors, Hufflepuffs, and Ravenclaws usually co-existed but relationships were not really known of in separate houses.

When they finally stepped off the train, the Golden Trio, Ginny, Neville, and George were all in tow. Once off the train, Fred released his hold on Judi and went to join Lee Jordan, Angelina Johnson, and his brother in a carriage. When someone else tried to climb in he pushed them away, them motioned to Judi. "Come on New Girl," he said, smirking.

Suddenly, all eyes were on her. Everyone who had heard Fred’s call to her had turned to see whom he was talking to. She felt uneasy with all the attention, her eyes roaming the many faces. Then her eyes landed on the one they’d come to rescue in the first place.

Cedric Diggory.

If she hated anything about the Daily Prophet, it was that their pictures were in black-and-white. His picture did not do him justice. He was tall and lean, with muscles that all but intimidated her. His hair was slightly messy, from the wind, robes neat. The color was a warm brown and she could tell it was thick. His eyes were amazing, shining a light brown. And his smile. His smile was amazing, beyond amazing. Perfect! Better than she had imagined. Better even, than the picture in the Daily Prophet.

Judi turned away from him finally, and walked over to the carriage where the twins and their two friends waited for her. Climbing in, she chanced one last look in Cedric’s direction.

Her heart leapt. He was still watching her, while everyone else had returned to greeting friends or what ever else. He stood on the edge of his own carriage, where he’d been before, his eyes plastered on Judi. Then he smiled.

She climbed fully into the carriage, sitting across from Fred. Judi grinned as if she was about to tell a joke. "Step one complete."

The twins grinned back at her, but a flicker of sadness was apparent in Fred’s eyes.

Judi stayed with Fred and George up until they reached Professor McGonnagal, who announced Judi, was to be sorted after the first years. By this time, Judi had stuffed her Hufflepuff robes into her messenger bag, which she still refused to take off. She and the twins exchanged michevious looks as she followed McGonnagal into the Great Hall .As she had hoped, they passed by the Hufflepuff table where Cedric already sat, surrounded by friends. When they passed, Cedric looked up and his eyes watched her until she reached the front of the Great Hall. There, Dumbledore motioned for her to sit in the empty seat next to his.

McGonnagal hurried off then, to fetch the first years. When they came to Hogwarts they got their first look at the castle by boat ride. From there they would meet up with McGonnagal. She would then lead them to the Great Hall to be sorted.

Dumbledore leaned over Judi and looked her in the eyes. His blue irises gave her the impression he could read her mind. "Windham’s School of Magic?"

The tone he used suggested he did not believe the story. Judi leaned over to his ear. "Professor, I’m here to save a life, maybe more. Please trust me."

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