Inside the Prefects Bathroom

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The next morning, Judi awoke at around six. Stretching, she sat up and looked around her, trying to remember the last time she had awoken this early on her own. When she looked around her she realized that she was the only one awake. The rest of the girls were fast asleep.

She got up, gathered her bag of toiletries and her school robes and shoes, and headed out of the dorm room, in search of a bathroom. She wanted, as well as needed, a shower. How else would she fully wake up?

Outside on the walkway, she ran into Cedric. His arms were full of the same thing as hers. His hair was a bit messy from sleep. He smiled at her a bit groggily. "Morning."

The smile appeared on Judi’s lips before she could stop it. "Morning to you too. Where’s the," she paused, looking around. "Where are the Girls’ showers?"

"Next to the boys," he said. "I’m heading to the Prefects bathroom myself. There’s a shower in there." He added, "There’s never a wait on it."

Judi felt a bit skeptical. "I’m not a Prefect. What if I get caught?"

Cedric winked. "Trust me, you won’t."

Somehow, and she knew she may regret it later, Judi trusted him.

The Prefects bathroom was…perfect! (Judi winced as she noticed the slight difference between the two words.) A large tube was at the end of a swimming pool sized bathtub. Dozens of faucets surrounded it. Cedric walked over to it, Judi following close behind, and turned a number of knobs.

At once the rows of faucets began to pour different kinds of soaps. The first row was clear, the second was blue, the third, purple. Water poured from the bottom-most row. In no time at all, it seemed the tub was full, yet the water kept going.

A chuckle sounded beside her, and Judi realized from staring. She turned to Cedric. She must have been pretty damn tired the night before because he was tall! Judi watched with a growing desire and lust as he lifted his shirt off over his head, revealing a well-worked out body. She had to fight not to touch his abs, and found it very hard to withstand.

As if he felt her gaze, Cedric turned back to Judi, smiling in amusement. "You are," his eyes darted over her face. "Some girl."

Judi thought she might scream in delight. This one trip to the Prefect’s bathroom was the ticket she’d…

Oh no! 

Judi thought suddenly. I might change this whole course. He can’t fall for me, not now!

However, as Judi thought this, Cedric bent down, and pressed his lips to her forehead. Then as if he wanted more, or he could sense the yearning in Judi’s soul, he gathered her frail body in his arms, and brought their lips together. She found then, that she wanted Cedric to love her, or at least like her terribly.

But that would have to wait until after they saved him. Judi would have to find a way to not have Cedric so attached to her.

For now, 

Judi thought. I’ll just let him kiss me like this.

The hot water felt good on Judi’s aching muscles. She felt them untense dramatically. Using a sample packet of the John Frieda Collections Frizz-Ease Straight Ahead, she washed and conditioned her hair. Then she used a blue shower sponge to ease off all her skin’s anxieties. Feeling quite refreshed, she turned off the water and wrapped a towel around her body, before ripping the curtain back.

Draco stood in front of her, leaning his body into a wall. His light eyebrow was arched, lips hinting amusement. "Sneaking into the Prefect’s bathroom now are we?" Draco smirked in a low voice. "I suspect he had something to do with this."

Following the direction of Draco’s index finger, Judi saw Cedric was still in the tub, his arms across the edges behind him, head back, eyes closed. His hair was wet and shone with a new light. She knew he’d washed it.

Judi turned her gaze back upon Draco. "How did you get in here?"

Draco shrugged. "I knew the password." His gaze turned a bit menacing. "I thought we came here to save Cedric."

"We did."

He snorted. "Well, I’m thinking you and he may get a bit more than you bargained for. If you keep snogging him like that anyway."

They stared at each other. Draco’s eyes burned into hers as if he were searching for answers there. "I’m sorry we had to end," he mummered. "But I wanted a better life for you. I’ll watch you find it, may even help you, but please remember," he stepped forward, cupping her shoulders. "This is your gig. Don’t mess it up. If you want others to survive, you need to stick to the plan."

"I know," Judi nodded, murmuring back. Her eyes went back to Cedric. "I-I need to get ready or I’ll be late for breakfast."

With a shrug, Draco pulled out the Invisibility Cloak and disappeared under it. After a moment, Draco’s presence completely disappeared. She knew then, that she was alone with Cedric.

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