Last Night

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Judi stood in the doorway, gazing at the room. It was fairly different. The walls were paneled in wood and the carpet was a deep red. Against the far wall, in a corner, was a bed clothed in nothing but white. White, sheets, and blankets and white pillows. A few feet in front of her was a burgundy couch. Fred sat there, his back to her. His arms were out to the sides, resting on the back of the couch. His red hair was a bit mussed. He seemed to be lost, staring into the flames in the fireplace. She wondered what he saw there.

Judi laid down the sword, and pulled her robes off, throwing them over the sword. She walked around the couch, meeting Fred’s gaze when he turned to look at her. He turned his right palm up and flicked his fingers, inviting her over to him. She proceeded, slipping onto the couch next to him, tucking her feet under her. She leaned into him and Fred’s arm came around her. She could feel the urgency in him. The need to be with her, and also the want to never have to let her go.

Could this be their last night together before she entered the maze?

Judi gazed up at her boyfriend only to find that he was once again staring into the dancing flames. Again, she wondered what he could be seeing.

His eyes closed for a moment and the pain was visible in his expression. In the clench of his jaw, the twitch of his lips. Everything about him screamed pain. "Fred?" Judi whispered.

He opened his eyes, meeting hers. He answered the alarm in her expression when she saw moisture swimming in his eyes. "I’m OK. At least as well as I can be. It just scares me that I might never see you again after tonight."

Judi’s lips quivered. "I know what you mean."

Fred pulled Judi onto his lap and wrapped his arms securely around her frail figure. His forehead rested in the crook of her neck. For a moment, Judi held completely still as her body became accustomed to the new position and her muscles relaxed. Then she leaned in, pressing her forehead on top of his hair. The strands felt silky and smooth. She lifted her hands, flexing her fingers into the strands.

Fred slipped out from under her and moved his palms to cup her face. "If something happens to you I won’t—I might as well die"

"Idiot," Judi mumbled, leaning in and grazing his bottom lip with hers. "Don’t talk about that now. Stay—stay with me Fred Weasley."

Fred slipped his arms around her and stood, holding her in his arms. He took the six steps to the bed and sat her down, climbing in front of her. Her arms slipped around him as he lowered himself over her on the cool sheets. He kissed her eagerly, passionately, but in a lingering way. He held one of her wrists and his fingers moved up the skin to the crooks of her fingers. She folded her fingers over his knuckles. His fingers worked quickly over the buttons on her blouse. Fred helped her get her arms out of the sleeves.

Judi worked her fingers through Fred’s tie, loosening it, then undoing it. She yanked it off his shirt, the flicked her fingers over the buttons of his shirt, popping his shirt open without breaking a single button. With his lips still on hers, he jerked the shirt off and flung it away. His tie went along with it.

Fred pulled his lips away and Judi whimpered in protest. "Shh," he soothed. His hands were around the latch to her skirt. He ripped it open, ignoring the latch completely. Judi understood his urgency at once. They had only tonight guaranteed.

Fred was already pulling the skirt off of her hips. He moved to the side some way to free her legs then threw it aside as well. He sat up on his knees and Judi hurriedly ripped open his jeans. Fred quickly shimmied them off and then he laid back over her.

Now Fred kissed her slowly. She sensed he was trying to make this somewhat easier on her, but he still managed to take the breath from her lungs. Despite the protest, Judi kissed Fred back. Her need was apparent in her movements. She wrapped her legs around Fred’s hips and moved against him. Fred groaned and proceeded to follow suit. He moved with her, grinding. Soon Judi was panting and Fred was moaning nonstop from the movements and the sweet ecstasy the movements caused. Judi’s nails cut into Fred’s skin. If it caused him pain, he did not object. In fact, somewhere in the back of her mind, she figured he might just enjoy it.

Fred’s lips suddenly crushed hers and he maneuvered their bodies enough to connect them. Fred held her close, tight, as they moved. Tears fell from the corners of Judi’s eyes, yet she hardly noticed them. She felt no physical pain, only the sweet pain of pleasure. Fred moved gently, as slowly as he could given his desire.

In a moment of closeness, when Fred’s forehead had been pressed against hers, He cupped her cheek with one hand and pressed his lips to hers. She moaned against his lips, locking her arms around his neck. When their lips broke for a momentary attempt to breathe again, Fred whispered, "I love you."

And then their lips met again.

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