What you Were Born to Do Pt. 1

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It was so fast, Judi had no time to react, but one minute she was standing there, staring dumbstruck at the frightening creature coming towards her, and the next, an arm was around her waist and she was off her feet. She landed on the ground, hard.

Although it had been weeks since she had inhaled the scent, Judi recognized it as the one of the man she came here to save.

"Did you think you could keep me down if you lost concentration?" Cedric growled, obviously annoyed. Judi rolled over to stare at him. His face was dirty and sections of his skin were bruised, but he was otherwise unscathed.

"But how?" Judi mummered, still unable to be completely coherent when she looked in Cedric’s eyes. Sure, she was completely devoted to Fred but who could resist the temptation in those eyes.

"I can defend myself fairly well Judi." Cedric grumbled, sitting up and pulling her with him. He was glaring at her.

"So why did you let me think you had been hit?"

His expression softened. "What you said before," he answered. "About something being a trap."

Before Judi could answer, a high and shrill scream echoed through the maze. Both Judi and Cedric turned to see the giant black spider falling onto its back. The scream was obviously one of pain and soon Judi understood why. Jeremy now stood on its belly, his sword nearly completely into the creature. He twisted the sword. The spider gave another feeble cry of pain, then it’s long and hairy legs went limp in death.

Jeremy straightened up, shaking his hair out of his eyes. "OK. It’s dead."

Judi made sure to watch Cedric’s movements carefully as the two groups made their way around the spider; Cedric’s group on one side, Harry's on the other.

"Harry, Fred, Ginny, Neville and-Draco Malfoy?" Cedric was murmuring. "George, Ron, Hermione, Luna, and Jeremy?"

He turned to Judi and she faced him, staring at him intently. "It’s odd huh?"

Cedric nodded his head slightly. "It is but, I know you had a reason."

The others reached them then, circling around them. Everyone had their wand out, following their own precautions. Fred strode over to Judi and held his hand out. He helped her to her feet. Another quick glance showed her that Jeremy had helped up Cedric.

"Nice handling of that sword Jeremy," Cedric complimented and Judi smirked at the hint of awe in his tone.

Her brother nodded his head in thanks. "You alright Cedric?"

Cedric nodded, then his expression changed. "Not in a sense," he said then. His eyes skimmed over the group, landing on Judi last, before his gaze returned to Jeremy. "Why are you all here?"

"To save you," Judi said without hesitation. Cedric turned to her. His expression made it clear that he wondered who on earth he needed saving from.

"Cedric," Judi said, stepping away from Fred’s hesitant arms. The places his arms had been were suddenly freezing. "You’re supposed to die tonight. By the hand of Lord Voldemort. I’m here to save you, to stop it."

Cedric turned to Judi fully and walked over until he was directly in front of her and she had to look up to meet his eyes. "Where did you come from Judi?"

"A time nearly four years ahead of this one." She whispered. "The tournament told me about you and I wanted to come save you. I was able to come back with everyone who was alive at the time." Judi turned her gaze on Fred long enough to see his expression screw up in pain. "I had more people to save but you were my first inspiration."

TimeTurners: Saving Cedric DiggoryWhere stories live. Discover now