Meeting in the Gryffindor Common Room

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The next day, Judi stayed with Fred in the Room of Requirement spending what may be her last hours with him before she would venture into the maze to follow Cedric and Harry. She and Fred used the newly charmed Timeturners to go to the last task, preferring to remain where they were. She hoped to be able to save the lives she had come to save to begin with. She could keep Cedric and Cho together, keep the Diggory’s a family and possibly completely stop the rising of Lord Voldemort. At his point she only wanted everyone around her to live. She did not care about her own life.

Time was not on her side that day, on the hours moved quickly. Soon it was time for everyone involved in this task to meet in the Gryffindor Common Room. It would be deserted, as everyone would already have ventured down to the Quidditch Pitch.

Fred walked through the corridors toward the portrait of the Fat Lady, with his arm wrapped protectively around Judi. She clung to him, not out of fear really, but everything else. Then maybe it was fear. Fear that she would fail, would never see him again.

As if he could sense what Judi was thinking, Fred gently pulled her to a stop and placed his palms on her shoulders. "Judi, focus, OK?"

"If I was any more focused I’d go blind," she replied. They both smiled at the lame crack at humor. Fred pressed his lips lightly to hers.

The sound of footsteps approaching made them break apart. They turned their heads to see—Dumbledore striding toward them. Well, it was more-so gliding. Judi started to pull away but Fred held strong, refusing to release her.

"Professor," he greeted.

Dumbledore smiled and his blue eyes shone brightly. "Mr. Weasley, I’m sure you’re helping Judi here."

"I’ll help her as much as I can." Fred paused, studying the old wizard’s expression. "I can’t go in with her can I?"

Dumbledore merely smiled. "Fred Weasley, since when have you listened to anything I have said before? If I tell you no you would go off and do whatever you could to follow her. So instead of telling you no, I will just say ‘Do what you must do’ and leave it that. I am heading to fetch Harry, care to join me?" He motioned in the direction of the common room. "I’m positive you were headed there anyway, and dear me I am on a schedule."

Fred turned and pulled Judi along beside him. Dumbledore fell into step with them and they silently continued to the common room. Judi’s fingers tightened around Fred’s.

The portrait of the Fat Lady was in front of them in what seemed like no time at all. Fred held strong to her. She wondered if he shared her views. He was probably attempting not to think of what would happen if they failed.

If Judi died.

She felt his shudder and fought the urge to glance up at him.

"Hello Headmaster," the Fat Lady greeted.

"My dear Fat Lady how are you this fine evening?"

"I’m just perfectly fine if those kids had not told me to wait here for a while. Something about they were expecting more people to come. I’d rather be down listening to everything."

Judi rolled her eyes. Dumbledore merely smiled at the woman. "You may go as soon as we walk in. I’m sure you will have no more guests afterwards."

"Professor Dumbledore," Fred cut in. "That may not be a good idea. Some things could be forgotten."

"And if it is, you need only merely summon the Fat Lady Mr. Weasley."

"Sure as hell better," I don’t want you waiting out here for me. "You’d miss the whole thing. Whereas it would only take me a number of moments that I would miss."

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