Writing on the Walls

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“Even with a quill I can’t stop my handwriting form changing,” Judi complained while looking over an essay for Charms. She was seated at a table in the library with Cedric, Cho, Hermione, and Harry. Ron, surprisingly, was engrossed in a book. For once he was the one with a stack of books in front of him. Hermione glared at him in a very Mrs. Weasley-ish way. He had, once again, waited to an essay until the very last minute. 

Cedric held out his hand. “Lemme see,” he said, wiggling his fingers and arching his eyebrow in a very sexy way. 

Judi shrugged and handed it over. The movement made her oddly cold. She realized that she hadn’t felt too warm since that night she had been with Fred. She tried to discretely move her arms back so she cross them and attempt to warm her body. Of course Hermione caught the move. She had been watching Judi like a hawk since she had found Judi escaping the Gryffindor common room that night, Fred with her to lead her out. 

To distract herself from Hermione’s penetrating gaze, she watched Cedric as he looked over her Charms essay. She saw his eyes widen in shock and he looked back at her, waving the completed essay in front of him like it was a treasure. “The way you describe this is like you are a damn seventh year.” 

“Uhm…” she paused. “Thank you?” Judi rubbed her arms. 

Her mind began to wander when Cedric handed the parchment back to her. Her face flushed as she thought of Fred’s warm body over hers. They had not gone beyond kissing, but the events had left her yearning for Fred’s warmth. 

His warmth. 

After all of this was over, would it be possible for her to be with Fred for good? Judi felt a bit of hope at the thought. He would never push her, never make her feel like she needed to this to make up for his death. He only wanted her. He would help her get over the guilt. After this was over, Fred would live. He would. 

He had to. 

“Hello, earth to Judi.” 

Judi nearly jumped when she realized someone was waving their hand in front of her face. She shook her head and focused her mind on what was going on around her. Harry had been the one attempting to get her attention. He looked a bit annoyed at her lack of attention. “Y-yeah?” 

Harry jerked his thumb over his shoulder. “Fred wants to talk to you.” 

At the mention of his name, Judi’s body seemed to control her mind. It was seeking warmth. His warmth. She got to her feet, trying to pretend this was just a friendly chat with a fellow schoolmate, and hurried over to him. He stood leaning against the wall beside the entrance to the library. His arms were crossed over his chest. The way he held himself was very much like Cedric had before. 

“Hi,” she greeted, holding herself back with great difficulty. As if he could see her struggle clearly Fred grinned in response. 

Judi shivered. Fred suddenly turned serious. “Are you cold?” he asked, moving closer to her, but not too close. 

Against her will, she nodded. “Can we just get this over with?” she begged. “Where’s George?” 

“Coming,” Fred said absentmindedly . “He’s going over the outline one last time with Lee. But before we do this, can I ask you something?” 


He smiled at her, touched by her obvious impatience. “After this is all over, can we be an official couple?” 

Judi practically beamed. “Sure. Let’s just get this over with first.” 

Hermione was suddenly at her side. “So the plan is to make Cedric and Cho go to the same spot, erase both their memories of you and he and make it look like they were with Cho instead?” 

“Kind of.” Judi whispered. “You got most of it right. We’re going to erase those memories so it just goes back to his original crush on Cho.” 

She nodded. “Right and your time in the Room of Requirement with Fred,” she looked between them. “Is that before or after?” 

“Hermione!” Judi hissed. “That is so not funny.” 

Hermione shrugged. “I’m only human.” 

Judi rolled her eyes and waved her hand to push away from the subject. “Let’s just get this over with.” 

At that moment, George and Lee entered the library. “Who do I got?” George asked Fred. 

“Cho. She likes you. Thinks you’re funny.” 

“Maybe Lee should take Cho. He does commentate the matches.” Judi suggested 

George rolled his eyes. “You just want to spend time with my brother.” 

“No, I’m handling Cedric.” 

Before anyone else could say a word, she whirled on her heel and walked back over to the table. “Cho, Lee would like to speak to you. Cedric could you come with me? I need your help with something.” 

Cho was already on her feet and gathering her things. Cedric stood without question, motioning for Judi to lead the way. She followed suite making sure to keep him close. They were going to do this in a section everyone would be oblivious to: The entrance to the Restricted Section. Shelves of books kept them hidden. 

With one last look over her shoulder (in which she saw Lee leading Cho in the opposite direction so that they met in front of each other), Judi walked forward. It was time. 

“What are we doing?” Cedric asked when they stopped in front of the rope that cut off to the Restricted 

Section. Judi could see the glint in his eye that told her he had ideas of what he wished to be doing. She smiled at him. 

“Can you close your eyes for me?” she asked, spying Fred. He winked at her. 

Cedric obliged as Fred extracted his wand. She watched him flick it, his mouth forming “Obliviate!” 

Fred kept his wand pointed in their direction as Lee and Cho came around the corner chatting away animatedly. Just far enough behind them was George. Seeing Judi, Lee spun his body in front of Cho and began walking backwards. When they were at a safe away distance Lee provoked her to close her eyes and George mimicked Fred’s spell perfectly. 

Lee and Judi rushed away, out of their sight. At the same time, the twins ran at their victims shoving into them, making them bump together. 

“Sorry!” the twins called, rushing around them after Judi and Lee. They were around the many corners and back to the table before either Cedric or Cho could say a word. Hermione and Ron waited with their arms full of Judi’s things. How much stuff had she brought? 

Hurriedly, Judi snatched her things and then rushed from the library, ignoring Madam Pince’s glare. Outside, she ran smack into Fred. 

“Woah!” Fred cried out, catching her in his arms before she toppled to the ground. “Are you OK?” 

Shaking the shock clear from her head, Judi smiled. “Yep.” 

Fred was practically beaming. He held out his hand. “Wanna come with me?” 

“With you?” Judi laughed. “I came for you.”

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