Unfamiliar Arms {Twins}

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She had no idea how long she lay there. She registered the dull soreness in her back and sides when it grew, yet she did not move. She continued to sob on the corridor, with tears that seemed to be never-ending. Soon, however, the sobs faltered, and she lost consciousness. Here, in the world where nothing mattered, she dreamed. She dreamed.

There were light footsteps behind her, approaching swiftly but also cautiously. There was a presence behind her still and crumpled figure. She felt him kneel, felt his arms wrap under her back and legs, then lift her up off the floor. Then she was held against him. And he felt so warm, so strong, so-

The arms were strong and supported her frail figure easily but carefully as she sobbed into this unknown person’s chest. The scent of his skin was familiar but one she could not place .Who was holding her like this? Who was it that was attempting to comfort her?

Who was he?

She continued to wonder as he carried her away.

When she awoke, she was curled up on her side, staring at a wall. Wherever she was, the lighting was dim, looking almost as if the lighting was only flickers of many candles. She could feel a light blanket under her curled arms covering her. She was awake, but made no notion to move. Her head was pounding and she had very little idea how she had gotten here.

A sudden sound made her whole body tense. She grimaced as the maneuver shot hot pain through her. She fought to stay still as the fuzziness in her decreased enough for her to concentrate.

The sound came again and Judi recognized it now. It was the turning of a page.

Another sound. The creak of a chair.

Then another sound. A swipe of something against wood, then a flaring sound. A match was being lit. She could smell the smoke.

To be a bit discreet, she turned over to her other side, eyes closed and snuggled as gently as possible into the soft, very soft fabric. She opened her eyes a slimmer to see someone, obviously male, seated at a desk that was piled with books. The room was homey, comfortable, and the candles that were lit, made this moreso. They were set up upon small bookshelves and what looked like a small dresser.

Now this mysterious male seemed familiar for some strange reason. The chair he set in was a regular desk chair. It was light brown on the arms and the holding, and there was a cross of legs with wheels on each one. The seating was a dark brown. In this room it looked a bit tacky, but then, some tastes were not always the same.

Judi’s eyes were now completely open and she was watching him. His hair was the exact color of hers, reaching to his shoulders, perfectly straight. His body was pretty much the same build as her own except he was more muscular, was not as fragile. The way he held himself, the way he did anything, could have mirrored her when she was the relaxed unknowing muggle. But she could also see that he held himself like he knew something important.

He was a bit good-looking, yet Judi felt no attraction, she felt a pull, like she knew him from somewhere. Although that part of this investigation was unknown.

"Interesting isn’t it?" He said suddenly, and Judi flinched. "How you find the thing you had no idea existed when you least expect it. When you really need it."

Seeing as how they were the only ones in the room, he could only be talking to her. Yet the sound of his voice dumbfounded her. It was also familiar to her. She didn’t speak.

He looked up then. "Something wrong?" He asked her, smiling warmly at her. She was about to answer when she met his eyes.

Chocolate brown.

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