Fred's New Memories

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The week seemed to be a heaven-sent tragedy for Judi. She and Cedric were together in some way in their spare time. Judi found herself searching for him in the halls when she left Transfiguration for Potions one Wednesday, as Cedric has this class next block. He was waiting outside the door, arms crossed, bag at his feet. 

“Hi,” Judi said when she saw him, walking over to stand in front of him. He watched her movements as if observing a very difficult ballet. Judi felt a light blush creep up to her cheeks. 

“Enjoy your lesson?” Cedric asked as he picked his bag up, slinging it over his shoulder, and began to fall into step with her. Judi wondered why he waltzed right by the Transfiguration classroom before remembering they had a forty-five minute break before their next lesson. 

Judi let her mind quickly observe this slack of her mind before answering. “Yes. We were turning birds into water goblets.” 

Cedric grinned down at her. “And how did you do?” 

“I’d give Hermione Granger a run for her money.” 

Cedric laughed. She liked making him laugh. That made her feel funny and his attraction to her seemed to grow. Judi ignored the warning going off and pushed it to the back of her mind. She’d think of the consequences later. 

The hall around them cleared until only a couple of first years scampered around them and out into the courtyard. They stopped, watching them go. She wondered what it would have been like if she had started here at Hogwarts in her first year. Her heart jumped. If she had, she and Cedric would be in the same year right now. 

Her heart ached. 

Don’t fall for him! Judi scolded herself. 

Cedric walked by her and fiddled with the knob on a door. Judi did not recognize it as a classroom. When the door did not budge, Cedric pulled out his wand and said “Alohomora.” 

When he tried the door again, the knob turned easily. Cedric looked back at her. “Come on,” he motioned with his head for Judi to follow him before disappearing inside. Breathing in deeply, Judi followed. 

The room looked abandoned. She figured it must not have been used for years. Several desks wound around the dark room and dust was everywhere. A few unbroken, but otherwise very battered desks sat in the middle of the floor. Judi walked in a bit more… 

And the door closed behind her. 

Judi spun around, her heart jumping, expecting the worst. But to her relief, she only found Cedric. His palm was open on the black wooden door he’d just closed. When he noticed Judi’s frightened look, he gave her one of concern and stepped forward. “What’s wrong?” 

His voice was a whisper, as though he only wanted Judi alone to hear it. It sent a chill down her spine. Cedric noticed the visible jerk as it did so. “Are you OK?” 

“Yes,” Judi’s voice was hardly louder than Cedric’s. She had a feeling this was on account of the fact that she thought she may not be able to talk to begin with. 

Don’t fall for him. The voice in the back of her head flashed the warning. Don’t. 

Cedric picked her off her feet and sat her on the railing that wound the risen floor. He kept his hands on her waist and locked his eyes on hers. “What’s wrong?” 

“You just startled me.” Judi could hardly hear her own voice anymore. Cedric’s closeness rendered her nearly speechless. 

He leaned in and kissed her, hard on the lips. Her arms were around his neck immediately, fingers locking through his thick brown curls. He stepped forward, wrapping his arms around her tight, urging her to give more. 

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