xl. Happy Holidays!

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chapter forty | happy holidays!


AS IF THE PAST COUPLE OF DAYS hadn't been eventful enough - Kaya awoke the next morning with a missing boyfriend, along with the disappearance of every other Weasley at Hogwarts (and Harry Potter - but he was pretty much a non-biological Weasley at this point, anyways).

It was left for Lee and Milo to explain to the group what had happened, since they shared the same dormitories as the twins and had to witness pretty much all of it. Maddie, Lee's little sister, was also curiously listening in, considering she was friends with Ron and Harry - and they, too, had vanished under everyone's noses.

"We didn't hear much," said Milo. "McGonagall dragged them off to Dumbledore, I think. But we heard something about their Dad getting attacked,"

Kaya's heart sank, and she swallowed. Not Mr Weasley. Shit. He was always so lovely to her and everyone else, even from the moment she'd met him. And he was friend with her parents.

Oh, shit, please let him be okay.

"Is he in the hospital?" Maddie asked.

"Well, yeah," Lee responded, glancing sideways at his sister.

"St. Mungos? The one I always go to?" The younger Jordan continued.

"Yeah, that's it,"

"The one with the Healer who says I should have a loyalty card?"


Kaya probably would've laughed at the Jordans' interaction if she wasn't so worried about the Weasleys. She hoped they were all okay... but, it was a given that they probably weren't.

What she'd give to be able to wrap Fred in a warm, tight hug, at that moment.

She knew it was probably selfish, because the boy's dad was attacked, so Fred, if anything, should be where he is, right now. But Kaya couldn't help but feel sad at the knowledge that she wouldn't be seeing him around school for a couple days - even if it was only two. She'd gotten so used to looking for him in places where she knew he'd be around, which was almost everywhere. She'll miss him like hell.

Not long after the group's conversation, the Hogwarts owls came swooping in with post - and a letter was dropped, right in front of Kaya, much to her surprise.

My K,

Sorry I had to leave so soon without even seeing you or explaining why. I'll explain it all later in 'The Book'. Ready when you are.

Missing you already, lovely,

Your Fred x

"The Book," Kaya read aloud. "What does he mean?"

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