The Beginning

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Melanie's POV

Sharp, piercing beeps filled the air.

"Nooooo" I groaned as I slapped the off button in the alarm clock. I don't want to get up and pack stupid boxes. I don't want to do anything. I just want to do so many things but they're all in different places. A little voice peeped in my head: "hey maybe it won't be fucked up. Maybe you'll meet new people and actually do something". I'm sure that'll happen.

I eventually slithered out of bed into the bathroom. I pulled off my old and ripped shirt and shorts and started the shower. it didn't really dawn on me until I squirted shampoo in my hair. It's moving day. I'm leaving New Jersey, my family, and friends for a theatre project, in makeup, in Sacramento, California. Make up is easy for me to do since I love art with all my heart.

I moved like a robot, scrubbing my hair over and over while thinking about foundation, eyeliner, and everything ultimately crashing and burning while I slip and fall into a void of failed potential and mistakes. I tried to calm down. Leaning back into the jets of water I breathed deeply.

"Relax. Relax. Relax. Relax. You'll make new friends. You'll get a new job. Maybe even romance, who knows. Chill the hell out its fine nothing will happen. everything will come together just chill the fuck out. "
I said to myself, rinsing my dirty blonde hair out.

After about twenty more minutes of self convincing and unneeded hair rinsing, I pulled the lever in the shower and stepped out. The steam filled the bathroom, fogging up the mirror. I drew a little smile in the condensation. I smiled but it quickly faded when my mom knocked on my door.

"Honey? Come on we need to pack up your room and your office" She said through the door.

I sighed. "Ok. I'll be out in a minute just let me do a few things"

"K Hun just try and be out by 11:00"

I combed my hair out and put it up lazily. I snatched a quick tank top and a pair of jean shorts.

It wasn't until later I realized that this was my final day in my apartment. Everything was going to be packed up and flown over to California. It was sad. It's the end of an era really. My thoughts were yet again interrupted by my moms caterwauling.

"Melanie lets go! We only got 3 more hours to get this place cleaned up before the trucks come to take it and you to the airport" she said to me. "let's get crackin!"

"Alright alright I'm going. I'll tackle my office can you pack my sheets and mattress and other bed crap?" I asked, plucking up large empty boxes.

"Sure. Let's go we got to get crankin"

I went until it felt like days had passed. Picking up, looking, putting down. Picking up, looking, putting down. Over and over and over. I still got a lot done. I had my computer stuff, art stuff, pictures, and extra stuff. Anything else was chucked out. Boy was that fun.

"Mel? You done in here? I finished your whole room while you did your office. I know how unorganized you are. It looks good. I labeled everything and made sure everything fit in boxes." She said, very proud and happy to clean pack my whole room when I only asked to pack my bed. Oh well.
It was truck loading time. My dad and brother came to help along with two other workers. Lifting is a lot of work. No wonder I suck at exercise I can't even lift a box with light towels in it without breathing heavily.

It only took about an hour. And then we were ready to go. I just needed one moment.

I stood outside with my hands in my back pockets, swaying slightly with the breeze. I would miss this place. But it's for the best of my career and me really. I walked to the car and climbed in. My brother and I sat in the back as my dad drove to lead the truck to the airport so we could have "exclusive furniture delivery" I really don't have that much stuff but I want it to be there when I get to California.

I kept thinking about leaving. I felt uneasy and just glued my eyes to the passing road.

"You alright?" My brother asked, rubbing my shoulder gently.

"Hmm? Oh yeah...yeah I'm fine" I said, breaking my gaze out the window.

After a half hour of light rock music on the radio and crappy car games, we arrived. It didn't take long to get my stuff into a compartment on a huge ass jet. Really I've never seen one so huge. I checked in, grabbed a coffee and some McDonald's and headed towards the gate.

I walked on through, feeling so many mixed feelings. I handed my ticket to the stewardess and hopped aboard. I took a seat and sat down, closing my eyes as my music played softly in my headphones.

I felt relaxed. I thought more and more. I jumped to different conclusions and had to calm myself down from them. I brushed my hair away from my cheek. And leaned back as we took off. Away from New Jersey. Away from my home.

I'm making the right choice.

Well at least I hope I am.

(ᕼEY GᑌYᔕ! ᔕOᖇᖇY Iᖴ IT ᔕEEᗰᔕ ᖇOᑌGᕼ ᗰY ᖴᗩᑎᖴIᑕ ᗯᖇITIᑎGᔕKIᒪᒪᔕ ᗩᖇE ᖇᑌᔕTY ᗩT TᕼE ᗰOᗰEᑎT. I ᕼOᑭE YOᑌ EᑎᒍOYEᗪ TᕼE ᖴIᖇᔕT ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ!)

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