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To say that the adults were pissed would be an understatement. Despite the fact that they didn't get home until 1 am, the boys were woken up at 8 am to be lectured. Rose and Hermione were allowed to sleep until noon since they had been drugged.

Unfortunately, the second they woke up they were being glared at. Breakfast was awkward since Sirius and Marlene just glared at them while they ate.

"Can you guys just lecture us already?" Rose asked once she was done eating.

"Okay, let's start with the fact that you lied to us," Sirius said angrily. Remus stepped into the room, saw what was happening, and immediately backed out of the room before he could get involved.

"Remus, get back in here," Marlene called out. Remus came back into the kitchen and sat next to Sirius so he could look at Rose and Marlene. While he was upset with all the teens, he didn't think it was his place to lecture them.

"I didn't want to lie, but I couldn't stay here any longer," Rose said. "I feel like I'm suffocating, and I've felt like this since sixth year. For once, I didn't feel suffocated."

"Why didn't you tell us how you felt?" Remus asked.

"Cause you're doing this to keep me safe," Rose answered with a heavy sigh.

"Exactly," Sirius said. "We're trying to keep you safe but yet you continuously do things to put yourself in danger."

"Can you blame me?" Rose asked, anger coating her tone. "I was barely allowed to be a teenager. I spent my whole time at Hogwarts worrying about Voldemort and Harry and then I got kidnapped and then I had to stay at Shell Cottage. I didn't get to be a teenager, so I'm sorry if I'm a little rebellious now, but I never had a chance to be rebellious before."

"We understand that," Marlene said.

"No you don't," Rose argued. "The war was completely different with us. You got to be teenagers and be rebellious."

"It's different to be rebellious and doing things that could get you killed," Sirius said.

"I didn't do anything that could've gotten me killed!" Rose yelled. "I went to a club to have a few drinks. That's not a death wish."

"It is for you!" Sirius yelled, slamming his hand down on the counter.

"Sirius," Marlene said softly, placing her hand on his arm. Sirius didn't calm down and glared at Rose. She glared right back. Remus hurried out of the room when the kids started screaming from Sirius' yells.

"I'm not a weak little girl," Rose practically growled.

"Really? Cause every time you go somewhere you get hurt," Sirius said with a scoff.

"But it's not like I can get hurt or die!" Rose reminded him. "And I made that guy pass out last night! I can handle myself!"

"You got drugged!" Sirius yelled. "Who knows what could've happened."

"No offense, Sirius," Hermione said. "But we can handle ourselves."

"Then why did you accept drinks from two boys that you didn't know?" Sirius asked. "That doesn't sound like handling yourself."

"Can you leave me alone?" Rose asked hasrhly. "I'm of age in both the muggle and wizard worlds. I don't need you constantly controlling me."

"I'm not doing this because I want to control you," Sirius said. "I'm doing this because you're my daughter and I don't want anything bad to happen to you."

"That's why you weren't there for twelve years, right?" Rose asked harshly. Her eyes immediately went wide when she realized what she said. Sirius' jaw clenched and he clutched the counter so tightly that his knuckles went white.

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