-chapter four

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"ALRIGHT LADIES and gentleman," jack got their attention

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"ALRIGHT LADIES and gentleman," jack got their attention. "each of you is going to have a partner, and you'll race another pair to see who can finish fastest."

many groans were heard from the girls around them. zach and olivia smirked at each other. they were so gonna be partners.

"the winners get a little something special: an automatic rose each at the end of tonight's cocktail party." that got everyone's attention. every girl (and zach) in the crowd wanted to be able to make is past another round. "okay everyone, find a partner!"

zach immediately felt olivia grab his hand. "we so got this," she smiled at him.

the chatter around the two died down as everyone got partnered up. however, there was an odd number of girls, and a shy girl named emma didn't have anyone to partner with.

"that means you're stuck with me," jack grinned, wrapping an arm around her waist. she smiled at him and nodded, letting him guide her elsewhere.

"oh, we so have to beat them," olivia had a look of determination in her eyes. over the short amount of time he knew her, zach found out that she was an extremely competitive person. it made sense that coming on a show like this would appeal to her.

"we'll beat them easily, we have chemistry," zach smiled, squeezing her hand reassuringly.

"damn zach, maybe we should run away and get married instead of waiting around for jack," olivia giggled, knowing the camera crew was filming all of this.

zach shrugged. "i'm down."

the course consisted of a lot of running and ten obstacles.

the partners would first have to help each other on top of multiple mounds of dirt, using any necessary tactics.

they would next have to run between the holes of three tires, before they would be able to get to their next obstacle.

there they would have to crawl through a pool of mud, while a new above prevented them from escaping.

directly after the mud crawl came the monkey bars.

and after the monkey bars came the plank walk. each partner would have to walk across a thin plank of wood, which was balanced over yet another pool of mud.

next, they would have to use a rope to climb over a wall, which the slippery mud made tricky.

after that, each pair would have to squeeze through two tires which were standing side by side.

when they got through the tires, they would have to run up a mud hill, trying not to fall.

at the top of the hill would be a rope, which they would swing off of to get across a pool of mud.

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