-chapter seven

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"SAME TIME again tomorrow?" zach asked, as jack walked him back to the door of his house

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"SAME TIME again tomorrow?" zach asked, as jack walked him back to the door of his house.

"let's say 9:30, i have my one-on-one with gracie tomorrow night," jack answered.

"oh, right," the brunet looked down at his feet.

"you're wondering why i didn't choose you, right?" the taller boy could see right through him. "if you are, it's because i would rather be out here with you by ourselves, with no cameras to worry about and with nobody around to judge us. besides, i already know which one-on-one i'm taking you on, and it's extra special."

"really?" zach smiled, already anticipating what jack had planned for them.

"really really," the curly haired boy replied, giving zach one last hug and a kiss on his forehead. "go get some sleep, i'll see you for the group date tomorrow."

"goodnight jack," the brunet whispered before he headed inside.

"goodnight love," jack whispered into the night.

when zach heard his alarm the next morning, he groaned.

stupid alarm, you wake me up so early.

the boy sighed and got ready for the day, not really being sure about what the group date would consist of yet.

he quickly rushed down to hair and makeup, catching up with cole as he touched up his hair.

"i tell you this every time you come here. he's totally falling for you, babes."

as always, zach rolled his eyes playfully and brushed him off, and when he was done with the brunet's hair, he thanked him.

"thanks cole, i'll see you tomorrow!"

the short boy dashed inside, barely making it in time for breakfast. he slid into his seat, right next to olivia, who was serving herself a waffle.

"finally! god, where have you been? you look tired," she observed.

"i was out late with jack last night, sorry," the brunet whispered back.

"out with jack, hm?" she hummed, smirking.

"yes," zach rolled his eyes. "nothing happened, we just talked for a few hours."

"okay, fine, let's just eat. i'm starving."

the two ate in a comfortable silence as they observed conversations happening around them. zach ignored the not-so-subtle dirty looks being sent his way.

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