-chapter six

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"OKAY, WHEN did you have your first kiss?"

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"OKAY, WHEN did you have your first kiss?"

jack and zach were back in the older boy's room, playing 21 questions. and zach had just asked an expected one.

"i believe i was in eighth grade, it was terrible though," jack confessed, laughing a little as he recalled it.

"oh this has gotta be good, tell me everything," the brunet smiled as he ate a handful of popcorn.

"fine," jack rolled his eyes, reaching for the bag, "we went on a field trip to the movies and i sat beside her. i originally planned to do it in the theatre but i chickened out. then, on the bus ride home, i told one of my buddies i was going to do it. i guess he told a few of his friends, because the next thing i new, i had a giant audience. they were all chanting at us and it was so awkward."

zach stared at him with wide eyes. "that sucks."

jack laughed. "i've made it my personal mission to never embarrass myself like that again. that's why i haven't kissed anyone yet. i'm waiting for a perfect moment."

"that's so cute," zach sighed as he brushed some hair out of his eyes.

"well, i'll try to make it cute." jack chuckled. "how about you? when did you lose your lip virginity?"

"that was so dorky," zach giggled. "but i was sixteen."

"sixteen?!" jack gasped.

"yeah, i never wanted to kiss girls, and boys any younger than sixteen were way too immature to do anything with. they would probably say something stupid like 'no homo' after and ruin my life," zach explained.

"that's true, i was so immature when i was a young teen. okay, tell me your details then." jack leaned up against his headboard.

"well," zach lay on the pillow next to him, stretching out his legs, "i was sleeping over at my best friend's house, and i was talking to this guy at the time. we had never met before, but he asked me to meet him at the park, since he lived kinda close to my friend." jack nodded at him to continue. "so we snuck out and ran to the park, me and him snuck off together, climbed a tree and kissed under the stars."

"that's so much better than my story," jack whined.

"yeah, the wait was worth it," zach smiled.

"zach," the boy was woken up by olivia for the second time in two days.

"you're on a streak," he rolled his eyes. he always had an attitude in the morning.

"we have to go back to our house, they're expecting us for dinner tonight."

zach sighed but nodded, getting out of the bed and taking one last look at jack's sleeping form. "wait, let me write him a note."

after he had done so, the two left to get ready.

when jack woke up a half hour later, missing the warmth beside him, he didn't see zach. he did, however, see the note from the boy.

meet me in the garden tonight at 9.
-z ᵕ̈

jack smiled and stuffed the note in his pocket, making his way to the closet to get ready for dinner.

the dinner was uneventful, everyone found out that they were going on a group date except for a girl named gracie, who would be jack's first one-on-one date of the season. if, at the end of the date, he decided he wanted her to stay on the show, he would give her a rose.

it was five minutes to nine, and zach snuck out the back door of his house. he made his way to the garden, sitting down on a bench that was positioned in front of a giant fountain. the garden was spectacular, and also very old. after the plants had a chance to grow over decades, the flowers became big and brilliant, and the bushes tall. there were many paths branching out, leading in different directions. it would be easy for one to become lost if they were not careful.

"hey," jack's smooth voice startled zach out of his thoughts.

"hi jack," he smiled back shyly.

"let's go for a walk, come on, love."

the two grabbed hands and walked down a random path they chose, talking about nonsense and continuing their game from earlier. the conversation flowed easily, there was never an awkward silence.

the two boys were quickly getting close, falling harder than they ever could've imagined.

omg so FIRST OF ALL happy birthday angie🥺 ryans-  ilysm and hope u had the most amazing day ever:)))

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omg so FIRST OF ALL happy birthday angie🥺 ryans-  ilysm and hope u had the most amazing day ever:)))

also i'm sorry this was shorter than usual, i just wanted to use this chapter to explain the difference in the boy's personalities. jack likes to take risks, he's impatient while zach thinks it's better to wait for good things to come to you.

if you enjoyed pls vote&comment your thoughts mkay ilyasm💘

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