-chapter fourteen

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PARIS, FRANCE. the city of love, and the home of the cast of the bachelor for the few days to come. zach stepped off the train, walking next to olivia as usual. the blonde was unusually quiet that morning, not being nearly as sarcastic and talkative as she usually was. it concerned him, to say the least. "liv, you're awfully quiet toda-"

"welcome to paris!" a voice interrupted the boy. "right now, we're all going to the house, where you'll have an hour to unpack and get ready before the group date. and later tonight, jack will go on his one on one. jack?"

the bachelor stepped forward, a dazzling smile on his face. "zach," he locked eyes with the boy, "make sure you're ready for dinner tonight at seven."

zach's eyes widened and he nodded, anxiety already bubbling deep inside him.

"great, let's go!"

"i'm going home tonight."

zach's head snapped up at olivia's statement. "you're what?!"

she nodded. "well, tomorrow i guess. whenever the next rose ceremony is. the group is getting too small, i've given jack all the information he needs to know. it's up to him to make his decisions based off of it now."

"what about daniel?" zach asked, desperately. she couldn't go. not now. not when he needed her.

"don't worry about that, he's got my number and i've got his. which reminds me," she pulled out a piece of paper and a pen. "add your number, we're besties for life now."

zach tried to smile as he wrote his phone number down. "i'm expecting a text from you, so i can answer as soon as i get my phone back."

"well duh," she rolled her eyes. "i'll be waiting, and i wanna see a picture of your ring when he wifes you up."

zach bit his lip, realizing how hard all of this would be without her. "do you have to go?"

"yeah zach, i've done everything i could."

"liv you can't leave, i need you here," he sniffed.

"zach, i know. as much as i want to stay, i can't," she sighed.

"i think i love him," zach brushed the tears off of his cheeks.

"i know you do, and you need to tell him tonight," she replied, hanging up one of zach's dress shirts.

"tonight? oh no, i can't," he panicked.

"zach, for the sake of me and everyone else, just tell him. tell him so he knows you're serious, because i see the way he looks at you. he. loves. you," she emphasized the last three words.

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