4/Lost Everything

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Warning: This part has death and may trigger some. Please skip this chapter if you are triggered by death.

Time Skip To Sundown

The sun started to set, but Ukai said we could have one more hour before we needed to go home.

Kiyoko, Yachi, and I decided to take down pictures of the beach and sunset. We took some of us with the sunset in the background and other of just the nature around us. We got some really good ones. When I was posing for one, Suga picked me and posed right when Kiyoko's camera went off.

Yachi: You guys should do some photos together!

We looked at each other and figured why not. We took some pictures of the two of us being friends. We were still trying to keep our relationship hidden, but it was getting harder by the second. Luckily, Daichi and Asahi came over and we all took some friend photos. They came out great and Kiyoko sent them to me.

A little while later, we packed up our stuff and cleaned off before getting on the bus. I sat in the back of the bus with the guys and we all talked for a bit.

About 10 minutes into the bus ride, we started to fall asleep. Daichi and Asahi fell asleep and the only people awake were Suga and I. Ukai was awake and so was Takeda but they were up in the front.

I stared out the window when Suga turned my head towards his. He kissed me softly. I kissed him back and ran my fingers through his hair. He wrapped his arms around me while I put my arms around his neck.

We let go and smiled. I was getting comfortable about us dating. I wasn't afraid anymore, I was accepting everything. He held my hand and kissed my cheek. We talked quietly for a bit before he fell asleep on my shoulder. I smiled and looked out the window the whole ride home. I put my arm around him played with his hair a little bit.

The bus stopped in front of the school. Ukai and I started to wake everyone up. Everyone was off the bus but one person. I went back on the bus and found Hinata still asleep. I picked him up and put him on my back. I carried him off the bus and asked Yachi to grab his stuff.

Hinata: Huh?

You: Hey sleepy head, you gotta go home.

Tsuki: You made a manager carry you off the bus.

Hinata opened his eyes and realized that I was holding him. He got off my back and thanked me before grabbing his stuff from Yachi. Everyone started to walk away in different directions.

I started to walk home when I felt an arm wrap around me. I turned around to see Suga there smiling at me.

You: Walking me home?

Suga: Of course. I love walking you home, plus I want to make sure you get home safely.

I smiled and kissed his cheek. He smiled and  continued to walk me home.  We got to my front door and he hugged me. I kissed him goodnight and went inside my house.

I got in the shower and did my nightly routine. As I was about to go to bed, I got a knock on the door. I looked through the peep hole to see my mom. I unlocked the door and she hugged me.

Mom: Sorry [y/n], I couldn't find my spare key.

You: It's fine. I thought you weren't supposed to be home for another week.

Mom: Hurry up and get dressed, I'll explain in the car.

I ran upstairs and put on a hoodie and sweats. I slid on my shoes and ran to the car. My mom immediately pulled out of the driveway and started driving.

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