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This chapter contains death, and suicide. Please skip this chapter if you are triggered or upset with suicide and death.

Please never feel alone in the world. People are here for you. Please talk to me if you feel upset. I know you don't know me, but I'm here to listen.

Back to the story..

I opened the door and immediately collapsed onto the ground. I saw my mother hanging from the ceiling. She killed herself.. all for my father...

I screamed and cried. Suga ran upstairs to see what was wrong. He saw and closed his eyes. He picked me up and closed the door. I sat against the wall crying. He called the authorities. He picked me up and sat me outside while we waited. I saw him text the group chat.

"[Y/n]'s mother committed suicide..please be very kind to her.. she's hurting a lot right now."

As he sent the text, I saw the group chat flood with messages. Everyone was shocked and asked how I was doing. I clenched onto Suga and cried. He held me and tried to calm me down. I lost everything. All I had was my parents, and now their gone. I have no other family.

The authorities showed up. Suga told them where my mother was and what happened. I was questioned but Suga asked them to also me later. I was given a blanket and Suga sat with me outside my house. He put his arm around me while I stared at the ground sobbing.

Hours Later

Suga was talking to the authorities about what he knew. I sat on the ground with my head to my knees. I wasn't done crying, I couldn't stop.

My mother made the funeral for both of them.. she was planning this..

I felt someone hug me. I looked up to see that I was Asahi. Daichi was there as well. I saw the other guys come around the corner. They all saw how destroyed I was.

I cried into Asahi's chest. His voice soothed me, but I couldn't stop the tears. An officer came up to me. I answered his questions as much as I could.

Officer: You can't stay in this house tonight. We need it for evidence to make sure it was a suicide.

Suga: She can stay with me tonight.

The officer and Suga exchanged information. I looked at my house. My body was shaking while I stared at it. I had no memories here, but I was crying like I was leaving my precious childhood home.

Daichi: Let's get you out of here [y/n].

We started to walk to Suga's home. We were stopped by the news people on the way there.

Reporter: Kojima, what are you going to be doing now.

I looked at the reporter dead in their eyes.

You: You are seriously going to be asking me questions. You know damn well I just lost my family and you have the nerve to ask me questions. How about you lose your family and have someone shove a microphone in your face and ask you questions when you can only think about your mother's dead body hanging from the fucking ceiling.

The reporter's face looked shocked. I started walking again to Suga's house. I felt the guys staring at me. I've always been quiet, especially when I'm angry. They've never seen me like that. I clenched my fist as I tried to stop crying. The guys went inside Suga's house. They decided to stay with us for the night to make sure I'd be alright. They all went inside while I sat on the stairs outside.

I was beyond angry. She really gave up her own life and everything because of my father. Because she didn't feel strong enough to go on without him.

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