6/The Broken Mask

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For those who skipped the chapters due to the warnings, I'll fill you in.

So you lost your parents, but Suga and the guys have been there for you and taking care of you. You and Suga share memories in his house and you told him that you loved him.

You guys fell asleep cuddling.

That's the main stuff from the last chapters. I didn't want to go into to much detail cause then there would be no purpose of the warnings.

Anyways I promise no more deaths. You can read calmly now. Love you guys!

I woke up feeling really warm. I opened my eyes to see Suga's head on my chest and his arms around my body. I felt my face burning up. I played with his hair a little bit.

Suga: 5 more minutes~

You: Suga~

Suga lifted his head. He looked super sleepy. I giggled a little bit. His face flooded red when he realized that he was on top of me.

Suga: I'm so sorry!

You: Shh, don't be so loud~

I kissed Suga softly. He kissed me back. He laid his head back down on my chest. I ran my fingers through his hair while he snuggled against my body.

The door opened slowly. Asahi and Daichi stuck their heads in to see if we were in there. They saw Suga snuggled up into my chest while I was playing with his hair. The blanket was over us. Their faces flushed red.

You: Goodmorning guys.

Daichi: Good morning.. did you guys uh..

Suga: Get your heads our of the gutter. She's just being my pillow~

Noya stuck his head in and saw what was going on.

Noya: That's a nice looking pillow Suga~

Suga got up and smacked Noya on the back of the head. Asahi, Daichi and I tried not to laugh.

Asahi: You doing okay [y/n]?

You: Yeah why?

The guys looked at me strangely. I gave them a confused look. They looked at each other and looked back at me.

Daichi: Did you forget what happened last night?

You: What happened last night?

Suga: You seriously don't remember?

I thought back on last night. I then quickly remembered that my parents were gone.

You: Oh my mom.. yeah I'm chilling.

Asahi: I- how do you go from crying to being fine?

You: Those tears were more about knowing my parents are gone. They weren't apart of my life much so there is no point shedding more tears.

The guys gave me strange looks. I smiled at them.

Noya: You're a strange girl.

You: Being strange isn't always a bad thing Nishi.

Suga smiled at me. The guys left the room and Suga sat down next to me.

Suga: You can cry if you want to-

You: I don't want to cry. Like I said, no point in shedding more tears over people who weren't in my life.

I got up and grabbed some clothes from Suga's room so I could change. I took some of his black sweatpants and a grey shirt. I put my hair up in a ponytail and walked downstairs. The guys were all eating breakfast when I walked down.

My Angel | SugawaraOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora