16/This Can't Be Good-bye

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"KOSHI! N- NO!...N-no.. you can't leave me.. we need you!... I need you... Please.. please wake up..."

"DADDY! Dad!... Wake up! You're making mommy cry!"

"Katsuki.. go to uncle Daichi.."

"Koshi.. honey... Please wake up.. please.. I can't lose you.. not yet.. I love you.. please! Please wake up!"

Katsuki: Dad!

I sat up in bed. I had tears running down my face. Katsuki had her backpack over her shoulder ready to go. She was all grown up.. she was off to college..

Suga: Sorry angel..

Katsuki: Did you have another nightmare?

Suga: Yeah but I'm fine. Do you want breakfast before you go?

Katsuki: No I'm fine. I wanted to tell you goodbye before I left.

I got up out of bed and hugged Katsuki. I kissed the top of her head and held her close to me. I hated today. She was going to leave me...

Katsuki: Are you going to be alright?

Suga: I'll be fine. I just can't believe you're all grown up now.

Katsuki: Yeah.. I wanted to ask you something before I left..

Suga: What is it?

Katsuki: Why do you still call me angel?

Suga: Because of your mother.

Katsuki: You don't talk about her much..

Suga: I've tried to avoid talking about her.. it's not easy..

Katsuki: I know... Tanaka and Daichi always tell me that I'm just like her..

Suga: You are... That's why I call you angel.. I called her my angel because she made me happy and kept me safe. She did everything to make sure I was alright and even then she was by my side... You're the same way so I called you angel..

Katsuki: Oh..

Suga: I think it's time that I let you hear your mom's voice.

Katsuki's eyes lit up. I grabbed my phone and started to show her a video of Noya scaring [y/n] and her fiesty side but also her soft side.


"AH! Noya you butthead!"

"Don't kill me!"

"I'm not going to kill you-"


"What was that?"

"Asahi! You alright?"

*[Y/n] runs upstairs to see Asahi rubbing his head. A box fell on his head.*

My Angel | SugawaraNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ