10/Long Days

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So to clarify some things before you start reading. This is a year in the future where you and the guys have graduated. You and Sugawara live together in an apartment and are going to college. Suga is going to college to be a teacher and you are a musician.
Time Skip A Year Cause I Don't Have Any Ideas Right Now

I woke Suga up to get him ready for class. He had early morning classes and had to go to a school to watch how teachers work in a classroom. He rolled over and groaned.

You: Suga, you have to get up~

Suga: Five more minutes~

You: You can get a kiss if you get up right now~

Suga sat up and rubbed his eyes. I played with his fluffy bed head and kissed him. He smiled and got up to shower.

You: You want me to pack you lunch?

Suga: Yeah that'd be great baby~

His morning voice was so cute~

You went to the kitchen and started to make Suga his favorite lunch, spicy tofu. I put it in a bento box with some small treats in it. I put the lid on it and wrapped it up with a white cloth.

Suga came downstairs in his jeans running around trying to find his uniform. I laughed and told him it was hanging up in the laundry room.

I made myself some tea while waiting for Suga to leave. He came out and I fixed his hair for him. I handed him the bento box and his backpack.

Suga: What would I do without you~

You: you'd be starving while shirtless and without your textbooks.

Suga: True.

We laughed and kissed each other goodbye. He dashed out the door to get the bus to school. I closed the door behind him and went to get ready for my day.

I took a shower and just put on some comfy clothes. I sat down at my desk and opened my laptop to see a bunch of emails from my manager. I sighed and started to email him back.

I had the day off so now all I had to do was do some school work.

With my schedule and being a musician, I don't have much time for school so I've been doing all of mine online. It's almost Suga's birthday as well so I've been trying to find something to get him but I've got nothing.

I've asked Daichi and Asahi but neither of them have given good suggestions. They said that I should have the guys over and through a surprise party and I agreed to that idea.

After about an hour of emails and texting the guys, I ordered some food and started to write down any idea I got a for a good birthday present.

I couldn't think about what Suga liked. I know he liked being helpful and he was always so kind but I can't make that into a present. He loves kids but in hell I'm having kids this early on. We have enough money to be stable and have this apartment, we don't have enough for a baby anytime soon.

I was deep in thought when my food arrived. I got up and paid the delivery guy. I looked up a bunch of stuff while I ate my food. I just got sushi cause it's simple and cheap.

Suga: Hey I'm home!

I looked at the time and realized it was already 5 pm. I threw away my sushi tray and welcomed him home.

Suga: You got sushi without me~

You: I'm sorry hun, I got hungry and didn't feel like cooking. Anyways, how was class?

Suga: Pretty great actually. I got to monitor some elementary classes and the kids were so nice to me!

Suga went on about his day while I hung up his coat and prepared to make him dinner. He started to do his homework and talk about his day. I always found it cute when he'd ramble on about his day and everything he loved about it.

My Angel | SugawaraTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon