14/Fallen Angel

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After The Baby Was Born - Suga's POV

I was watching [Y/N] sleep in the hospital bed. The nurses took our baby to make sure she was okay and to fill out the birth certificate.

We decided to name her Katsuki Sugawara. We didn't know her eye color but her hair was very light so far so we figured that she would have grey hair like me.

After a bit, they brought Katsuki in the room. They let me hold her and I did. She was wrapped up in a cute white and light purple blanket with a white hat.

She opened her eyes and she looked around. She had [y/n]'s eyes. Her eyes were beautiful and glowing just like her mom's.

I sat with Katsuki by the window. I hummed a song to her as I held her to my chest. I felt a tear go down my cheek. I couldn't believe I was a dad now.

I looked at [y/n] to see her waking up. I walked over to her and showed her Katsuki. She smiled and asked to hold her. I put Katsuki in her arms.

You could see their immediate connection. The smiles and the little giggles that left
[y/n]'s mouth as she looked at Kat made me happy.

You: She's definitely got your hair.

Suga: And she's got your eyes.

You: Her eyes can change. They can get darker and she can look just like you.

Suga: Maybe, but she's just like I imagined.

You: You have always had a vived imagination.

Suga: And you've always been adorable and kind.

[Y/n] smiled at me. Her eyes dropped like she was going to pass out. She asked me to take Katsuki from her and I did. Her body started to sulk like she was passing out.

You: Koshi, can you get me the nurse.

Suga: Of course.

I set Katsuki down back in her bed and I got a nurse. When we came back in the room, [y/n] looked sick. Her lips were chapped and her eyes looked foggy.

The nurse grabbed Katsuki and gave her to me. She told me to wait outside while she took care of [y/n]. I nodded and left the room.

After about 3 hours, a doctor came out and told me everything.

Apparently, [Y/N]'s headaches were caused by a tumor forming in her brain. That's why she cried in pain some nights and they lasted for hours. She was in immense pain and we both brushed it off as a serious migraine.

The stress of the pregnancy and labor made it really bad and now she needs immediate surgery. I granted them permission to do the surgery.

After that, I was asked to go home. I did as I was instructed and left the hospital. The whole ride home, I was praying for [y/n] to be alright.

Once I got home, I took care of Katsuki. I spent a lot of time around her and tried to make her as comfortable as possible.

I laid her down to sleep and I sat in a chair we had in her room. I sat there and tried so hard to focus on something positive instead of [y/n].

I decided to text the gc full of all the volleyball teams since we all started to her along.

🏐Grand Volleyball Guys🏐

Sugawara: [y/n] had the baby.

All: Congratulations Suga!

Sugawara: It's not good news.

Daichi: What's wrong?

Asahi: Is the baby alright?

Sugawara: She had a brain tumor during he pregnancy and she's in surgery.. when they took her away she looked pretty bad.

My Angel | Sugawaraजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें