13/My Angel

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I added some ships!
Asanoya - This Chapter!
Kagehina - Later On

Time Skip 4 months - 5 months pregnant

I woke up around 3 am. I stretched and got up out of bed to get some water. I had a pounding headache and I couldn't sleep that well. I know I can't have certain things and aspirin can cause problems so I can't have any. I just drink more water every time I have a headache and I hope that it goes away.

Sugawara: What's wrong angel?

You: That's a new nickname.

Sugawara: Well you're like my guardian angel.. and you light up my life.

I smiled at his words. He hugged me trying to comfort me. He saw the water and realized that I had a headache. He ran his fingers through my hair which usually eased me a bit.

You: Go back to bed Koshi, it's late. You have work in the morning.

Koshi: I'd rather lose my job then ignore the beautiful woman who is carrying my child.

You: Aww~

He kissed my forehead and stayed with me till I felt better. I grabbed a cup of water and brought it to bed.

I tried to fall asleep but I couldn't. I kept rolling around and tried to ignore my headache. Eventually I started to get some back pain so I gave up.

I got out of bed and just started my day early. It was 6 am so it wasn't that bad. At least I got some sleep.

I made myself some tea and stood on our front porch. I felt arms wrap around me and a kiss on my neck.

You: Good morning Koshi.

Suga: Good morning beautiful~

You: You have to go get ready for work.

Suga: I will in a minute. I want to be with you~

Suga kissed me gently and put his hands on my baby bump. He loved thinking about the names and how the baby would look. He thought the baby would have grey hair but my [e/c] eyes.

We talked for a bit till I made him get ready for work. He can't teach kids if he's still in his pajamas.

I shoved him into the bedroom and told him to get ready. He pouted but I kissed him and he finally agreed to get ready.

I made him his lunch and got his stuff together for him. I got a text from Asahi that he was going to pick me up in a few hours.

Noya begged me to model for Asahi and try a maturity photo shoot. I reluctantly agreed because I can't say no to Noya. He's just a precious child. Plus he's dating Asahi who is my best friend so it's hard saying no.

Suga wrapped his arms around me and kissed me. I wrapped my arms his neck and kissed him back.

Suga: Angel~

You: Yes Koshi?

Suga: Can you make the baby a girl for me.

You: I can't hun.

Suga: I want a little girl. She'd be beautiful just like you~

You: Well if you keep wishing for a girl then I'm sure we'll have a baby girl. Now go to work and meet me at Asahi's studio later.

Suga smiled and kissed me before grabbing his stuff and going to work. I went to shower and get ready for the photoshoot.

About 2 hours later, Asahi and Noya picked me up and we went to Asahi's studio. Asahi brought me outfits while they got the props and everything ready.

My Angel | SugawaraWhere stories live. Discover now