11/His Favorite Gift

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Time Skip To Suga's Birthday

Suga wasn't going to be home till about 6 pm so I had plenty of time. It was only 10 am so I had a lot of time to set everything up.

I started to clean up the apartment and put up decorations. I made it all volleyball themed since he's been talking about it lately. He's been pretty sad that he isn't playing anymore, but we've been visiting the team.

I sat up volleyballs everywhere and the team colors. I put up balloons and the old awards that he got when he played. I was going to make him a cake with his old number and "happy birthday setter!"

I was about to start hanging the ribbons when the door bell went off. I opened it to see Daichi and Asahi there. They pulled me in for a big hug.

You: Thanks for coming over to help with he decorating.

Asahi: We're glad to help out!

I told them my plan and they enjoyed the idea. They started to grab decorations that were on the table and started to hang them up. I wasn't tall enough to hang them up and I don't have a ladder so their height really helps out.

I put the cake in the oven and started to hang up decorations with the guys. We started to talk about our lives now and what we were doing. Daichi was training for the police force and Asahi was becoming a fashion designer in Tokyo. I was beyond happy for them. They were doing what they loved which was the most important thing to me.

The door bell rang again so I went to go get the door. Throughout the day, the guys came over to help decorate and catch up with everyone. Coach Ukai, Kiyoko, Yachi, and Takeda-sensei showed up which made me happy.

Everyone was talking in the living room while I was finishing up decorating Suga's cake. I did it in vanilla black icing and white lettering and the number 2 on the top. I gave it an orange border around the bottom and roses on the top

Suga texted me that he wants to go out to dinner when he gets home and that's he's about 5 minutes out.

You: Hey, Suga will be here in about 5 minutes!

We turned off the lights except for the kitchen. I hid the cake and pulled out my laptop and sat at the counter to make it seem like I've been doing work. Everyone hid in the living room waiting for Suga to arrive.

Suga: Hey babe I'm home!

You: I'm on the kitchen!

Suga came into the kitchen and kissed my forehead.

Suga: You ready to go?

You: Yeah let me get something from the living room.

I went into the living room and whispered the code word which was "Koshi". Suga followed me into the living room and I turned on the light. Everyone jumped out and surprised him. He was shocked but was so excited to see everyone again. They all pulled him into a group hug and celebrated with him.

I smiled. It was good to see him smile like this again. I knew he missed all his friends and volleyball so I brought them all to him.

We all walked back into the kitchen and they all talked. I bought Sushi earlier in advance for everyone to eat before cake. I laid out of the sushi for everyone to take what they want and socialize.

Everyone was having a great time. Seeing Suga with everyone again brought back a lot of memories with them.

After an hour, we decided it was time for the cake. I brought it out and laid it down in front of Suga. He looked over joyed to see the cake and the design of it.

We sang happy birthday and he blew the candle out. We all celebrated and I made him cut the cake.

We all ate and laughed for hours. He started to open the presents and everyone was so happy to see his reactions to their gifts. He was so thankful for all the gifts and that everyone was here. He cried a little bit and we all hugged him. He couldn't express how much it meant to him that we were all together again.

The party ended around 10 pm and everyone went home. Suga hugged me and thanked me for everything. I hugged him back and told him that it was no problem at all.

You: I'm sorry about your gift. It won't come in till tomorrow night.

Suga: That's fine. You doing all of this is the best present I could ask for.

You: Well there is one gift I can give you that you've been wanting...

Suga gave me a confused look. I smiled and kissed him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and I stood on my tippy toes. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me back.

Suga: What present?

You: Well, I was against this present due to money but I got a raise today so I'm okay with it..

Suga: Wait.. you don't mean...

You: ..We can have that baby you've always wanted...

His eyes lit up and he gave me tons of kisses.
He hugged me tightly and showed me so much love. He was beyond happy from the words I just said.

Suga: I can be a dad!

I laughed at how happy he was. He hugged me tightly and he didn't want to let go. He was over the moon with joy. He's been wanting a kid for so long and he didn't care about how young we were. He wanted to be a young dad so he can do so much a with his kids.

You: We can start a family whenever you want.

He kissed me passionately. I kissed him back and he smiled against my lips. The energy he was radiating was amazing. He was just a ball of joy and I loved seeing him like this.

Suga: Can we start one now? Please~

You: Do you want the kid, or do you just want some fun?

Suga: Mainly the kid~

I laughed and kissed him. I nodded and he hugged me. I was so happy to see him like this. I haven't seen him this happy since highschool.

You: You do have class in the morning so maybe tonight isn't a good night.

Suga: That's fine! Whenever we're both ready. I'm just so happy about the idea of being a dad, and being with you. Our kid would look so cute!

He started to go on about how our kid would look and baby names and it was adorable to see how excited he was about the news.

He kissed me again and kept saying thank you at least 100 times. I laughed and told him you're welcome.

We got ready for bed and he laid on my chest. I played with his hair while he was still so excited about the news. He was radiating pure sunshine I swear.

Suga: I love you.

You: I love you too Koshi.

Suga: If we were to have a baby, what would you want it to be?

You: I wouldn't care. Our child can be any gender, and grow up to be any one they want. I know they'll be raised by such a wonderful dad though.

Suga smiled as I said that. I continued to play with his hair until we fell asleep that night.

Hey hey hey!
Sorry this chapter was short but~ I had a question for you guys.

So I have plans for this story but I didn't know what gender to make their kid. So please in the comments recommend names and genders of the baby whenever I decide that they should have one!

I love you guys! Thanks for the support!

-Love Author Chan

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